No. 26: Catching Eyes

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The run was rather refreshing, Mirai was more focused on the sky and the wind that blew her hair back. She tried not to set her eyes back where Itachi was at. She wanted to enjoy what was left around her and not worry. Even though he can be irritating to the core. Yet, she still cares immensely for the Uchiha. Her heart longs for him, while she felt convinced that he didn't feel the same.

Still, her heart clenched in his presence. Mirai's mind would freeze up when he was nearby. She wanted to avoid him but she can't. Mirai's only solution was her aloof behaviour which still hasn't change; she wants comfort and to be near him.

"Thinking about me again?" Itachi caught up to her throwing her off thoughts off guard and into a frenzy. 'HE READ ME!'

"Oh? Take my light joke non seriously. The look you gave is rather superstitious." Itachi wasn't a man who's easy to read. He can read others as if it's a math problem needing to be solved. So wouldn't that mean...

"Up ahead is the Land of Tea, it's near the borders of the Land of Fire anyhow," Tenshi announced, he still saw how everyone was growing tired.

"I-I want to rest... I think the pace we are going at will indicate us arriving less than a week." Mirai exclaimed as she jumped to the ground.

"Mirai-san is right!" Ikema followed in pursuit while Itachi and Shisui sighed lightly, "I wouldn't get too fond of resting just yet. The sun has barely gone down, let's walk for a few hours." Xanadu gleefully smiled and glanced at Mirai for a short second. His eyes seem to glisten around her as if she was a star in the night sky. Shisui glanced at his friend who's eyes wouldn't leave the boy. Itachi wasn't someone who you'd want to test his patience by any means.

"Right, so that means we will need to find a doc eventually and rent a boat? Or how will this work?" Tenshi looked back to see Ikema looking down at the ground in his thoughts while Shisui wasn't paying much attention.

"We'll just steal a boat." Mirai shrugged with a knitted laugh.

Itachi even smiled at her comment since he never heard her laugh for the first time in years. It was like she is finally enjoying herself.

"Or perhaps we'll just take a tour around? It'll get us in less trouble." Ikema suggested which made others shrug either way. "If we come to a dead-end near a river. We'll need a backup plan..." Xanadu went quiet not fully thinking about any particular plan.

While the walk was satisfying and quiet. Everyone seems to be in their own thoughts. Ikema and Tenshi seemed to be talking about their clans and the village.

"Hmmm... so it turns out that we'll need to cross down the stream?" Tenshi looked across the wide fast-paced river.

"Why not walk across it? We're shinobi, aren't we?" Shisui felt a bit of cockiness surge through him. Mirai turned back catching eye with a certain Uchiha.

"This river isn't steady enough. It's going down twenty-five miles per hour. It'll throw all of us off balance—"

Shisui jumped to the centre of the river perfectly fine cutting Mirai off. "Show off..."

"Don't be lame and come on now or else we'll be late!" Shisui shouted up ahead while his eyes caught sight of Mirai's shocked expression.

'So walking on this river is possible... we never had body of waters in the Land of Storms. We only had transports of water come in from other countries. My knowledge is far behind. This is bad.'

Tenshi and Ikema followed in pursuit running across the flowing river. Mirai was confused and did felt slightly terrified considering she hasn't walked on water in a long time.

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