N0. 8: Memories that Fade

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Mirai's practice was excelling by the second she trained near the Naka River. She would occasionally sense Shisui's chakra signature for a fraction of a second and soon would fade in the midst.

Her calm nature told her to let it not get to her. However, a terrifying feeling struck her heart abruptly caused her to shriek in horror. She clenched her hand over her chest trying to catch her breath. 'Genjutsu? It couldn't be...'

She had regained most of her control and looked around her surroundings to see the sight of coral blood splattered on the ground she stood on. Bodies piling on each other while the scenery played over and over of the killings and the meanings of war. It pained her more seeing the sight of death.

Her breath was shallow, she had no idea what brought this fate upon her. The area looked rotten with many burnt strained corpses lying near her. Did she die? She looked around frantically witnessing a shinobi launch at her with a kunai and the intent to kill. Mirai screamed uncontrollably in fear at the bloodthirsty male. His eyes were bloodshot red as if he was being controlled.

"I'll make sure you suffer an unrelenting fate." His piercing laugh made her wince out of fear. And he plunged the kunai in her chest feeling the numbness subside. The cold liquid trickling down her dry cracked lips. Some slight spasms in her ribcage and her organs felt ruptured.

The scene suddenly dissipated right then falling backing to normal. Mirai's bottom lip tremble, her knees felt weak making her fall and wheeze in pain holding her chest upright. She looked down and saw no mark or puncture wound. "Huh?" Still, her breaths were weak and exhilarating. And then someone caught her eyes who came into view. The most peculiar thing was red vibrant eyes; the Sharingan.

"I-Itachi? Why?" her voice was hoarse and weak. She felt slightly betrayed by what he has thrown her into. His genjutsu to make people see things that would haunt their dreams.

"I wanted to see if you're capable of my genjutsu." Itachi felt slightly amused but at the same time try to not take in her emotions as betrayal. She felt emotionally pained that he used her for his own gain.

"You could have killed me!" she screamed for the first time. She felt enraged at him, Mirai would do anything to strangle him till there is no tomorrow. Her eyes felt watery and blurry.

"No. I made sure I didn't." His snide remark was nearly cold and held slight amusement. His relaxed composure still holding a phlegmatic demeanour. Did he not care for her feelings?

"Leave me alone! And I mean it!" she attempted to run away from him and away from the area, but he snaked his hand around her wrist roughly. He wasn't allowing their talk to go unfinished.

"You're still a weak fragile being with plenty of skills not in place. If you keep running away from what you fear the most, you'll still be weak and wouldn't survive a day in the real world called reality." Itachi's cold authoritarian tone made her insides shrivel to the bone.

"I'll train you." Itachi offered, still to no avail Mirai pushed him away. She couldn't be around him if he was going to lie, act stuck up and be a know it all.

Mirai didn't say anything and gave him a dumb look of bemusement. She didn't like where he was heading with this again ready to call her weak more and to strain her pride with more bullsh*t coming from his you know what.

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