No. 17: Final Exams [Part 1]

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Mirai was beginning to prepare for her fifth mission as a genin. Ganmaru and Ikema were mainly training on their own as she was. Mirai was training hard day in and day out at the Hyūga compound. Her throwing techniques improved along with her Taijutsu. Still, Itachi would occasionally stop by offering to train her when he wasn't on any missions, so that 'his training would be like him protecting her indirectly.'

She knew he was acting deranged as it is. She never questioned him and just rolled her eyes walking away from him.

On her way home, she was full of dirt and grime that embossed her clothes; Mirai's hair was spiking in all sorts of directions in full of knots.

She was carrying Hinata on her shoulders since Hinata wanted to watch her train. Hiashi permitted the two girls as long as Hinata just watches.

She sighed, "Nee-chan, I want to train with you next time!" Hinata was excited from the looks of it. Mirai smiled at Hinata, "maybe if Tousan lets you." And just at that moment, several kunai blades were shimmering down upon them.

"Ah!" Mirai hovered over top the Hyūga heiress ready to take the hits first. Still, Mirai managed to dodge them all holding a quivering Hinata in her arms while skidding across the landscape.

Mirai took one look seeing two lunatic men with devious stares. One was short and skinny with a goatee. The other one was chubbier and on the tall side.

"Hand the little girl over, heh?"

"I say we take the older one. She has the eyes as well, hmm?"

The two devious looking men glowered down upon Mirai and Hinata a few steps away from them. She was quivering under their intense stare along with Hinata in her arms.

"I-I what?!"

"I agree. You're older and would more of 'use' to us." The chubbier man was looking quite humorous himself. What the hell does he mean 'of use'? Mirai has only thought of perverted things clouding her mind. She felt disgusted and horrified at that moment. There was no way she could protect Hinata and fight them.

"Who the hell let you bakas in this village?!" Mirai was holding onto Hinata more tightly than before. Her hold was never loosening one bit.

"Take her."

"Ah!" Mirai clenched her eyes closed huddling Hinata close who's head was nuzzled against Mirai's neck.

"I wouldn't even attempt for whatever you're trying to accomplish." A sly voice icily cut through the air.


"N-Nee-chan?" Hinata's voice was shaky and filled with emotions. Mirai couldn't help but feel relieved how he arrived just when the shinobi were trying to abduct her? Or wasn't it Hinata to start with?

"Who the hell are you?" The tall dirty blonde chubby man shouted. Mirai opened her eyes still holding onto Hinata. She saw Itachi looking very annoyed. Shisui was a few feet behind which wasn't a surprise.

"Does it matter? Your contemptuous attempts won't be allowed to further continue by taking either one of them. Shisui," Itachi turned to his friend who smirked.

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