No. 23: Manipulation

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Mirai stomped over to the Uchiha compound while being under a genjutsu. The rain was heavy and was pouring cats and dogs outside. She didn't care at all being drenched and had her hands clenched with animosity. Fury ran over her eyes as she knocked twice as hard where Itachi lives. She waited for a good few moments before the door opened by Sasuke who was seven years old blinking twice at Mirai's presence. No one ever comes around unless it was usually a clan member inquiring business.

"Umm... are you oniisan's girlfriend?" Sasuke looked confused. So does that means he already has somebody? Wouldn't make sense if Sasuke is asking if she was Itachi's girlfriend. How ridiculous can kids be? Still, that wasn't the reason the Genjutsu manipulated her to stomp over there for.

"No. I am not." Her tone was inflamed with annoyance.

"Who is it, Sasuke?" A sudden appearance approached the door pushing Sasuke behind. Mirai didn't want to face him subconsciously while at the same time hoped he would figure out that she is being controlled. Danzō placed the utmost loathsome genjutsu that her prowess can't even encounter due to the fact she can't even use her dōjutsu that well.

Mirai was fighting to overcome the genjutsu but it was barely useless to even fight it. She hoped he would figure it out... Her subconscious was screaming to wake up, but she couldn't budge at all. Her eyes glowed red as her white orbs remained. Itachi's face remained passive but his eyes weakened as he saw her.

"How could you let me run away for all these years? Why... why did you not come after me? Here you are standing here like you don't care. I don't get it!" Mirai had tears trickle down the sides of their cheeks as she fell to her knees weakly.

'God damn why am I like this now?! Wake the hell up!'

"Who is she oniisan?" Sasuke looked kind of sad seeing the girl break down in front of their house. Itachi ignored his questioned and observed her slightly. He knew Mirai wouldn't come here out of the random tardiness. No doubt that she was under Danzō's genjutsu to make her act out rashly. A strange feeling opened up in him that burned with antagonism to say how Danzō had broken her. Still, he realized that his feelings never faltered for her, but instead grew overtime when she left. Even when he goes out on missions, the Uchiha hoped he would come across her every time. Sometimes he felt like hope left him, but this moment to have her stand in front of his home felt unimaginable. It was an unexpected move when she returned. She cried uncontrollably on his steps with her head down.

"Damnit, she is under a genjutsu, Sasuke get a blanket for me." His elder brother ordered and sighed deeply. Itachi activated his Sharingan to pull her out of whatever illusion Danzō placed her in. He noticed how she looked tired and on the verge of passing out. How did things turn out like this? Itachi pulled her inside his home and hugged her tightly on the ground in case she was to lose consciousness. The scent of her vanilla scent overwhelmed with coconut made him miss her aroma a lot more. She didn't say anything and wrapped her arms around his waist shivering while burying her head into the crook of his neck. Itachi didn't care if she was drenched, he felt reassured to know that she survived the bit of Danzō's torture. Still, he was infuriated with Danzō's act and to put her through his version of hell boiled his insides. He needed to speak to Shisui about this eventually.

Sasuke returned shortly after as his elder brother wrapped a towel around the poor girl.

"When father and mother return in the morning, please don't mention anything. I feel that she wouldn't be able to return back to her former place." Itachi turned his head back while holding the female close to him. He sighed and picked her up in his arms with the blanket cascaded over her.

"I'll let her take my bed for now. Sasuke, you need to sleep. You have the academy to attend tomorrow." Itachi sent a warning look seeing his imouto nod and leave.

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