No. 35: Tough Love

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"Itachi open up!" Mirai kept knocking loudly while fresh tears poured down her cheeks from her eyes. She knew it was useless and felt pain radiate from her heart to the bottom pits to her stomach.

"I didn't mean to keep anything from you! Please let me explain... Itachi..." her hand curled over the wooden door while she pressed her forehead to the door hoping he would open. Still, he ignored her cry from the other end. Mirai decided to leave quickly back to her room. Even though she was still scared, she won't forget how he comforted her while they slept for a few hours.

When she returned to her room she looked around and grabbed her pouch that had her shurikens and kunai blades and tightly wrapped it around her waist. She wanted to prove to him that she is capable of her own problems. Mirai was set on ready to sacrifice herself to the gods of shinobi. If that is what they called themselves. Even she cursed herself for not being there for Yui and not being able to kill Danzō as of yet. She loathed herself for not telling Itachi what those celestial beings had been speaking to her about. It was confusing since the beginning and she never thought of telling anyone the full truth. 'How am I suppose to look anyone in the eye when I cannot look myself in the mirror?'

She clenched her hands tightly and already changed into her white attire mainly her Uwagi jacket, Keyhan leg wraps, Waraji sandals and her Tekoh black gloves. She was ready to find them and lastly oppose them. Mirai held out her hand channelling small bits of blue-yellowish lightning calling out for the Murakame demonic sword in the bottomless depth of the abyss. Within a mere second, the golden-black blade appeared in her hand sheathed. She smiled softly and wrapped it behind her waist with an obi sash.

She made sure there wasn't anyone around using her sensor abilities. She couldn't feel Itachi's chakra at all.

Once she was bagged in check with everything she decided to leave a small note down on her pillow. "Gomen'nasai..." Mirai whispered before jumping out of the window. Her heart is like the plague catching itself on fire throughout her body. She is running away from her desires and to fight anything she believes is right. She is heading alone to fight something she is awfully terrified of.

She had been jumping from building to building in the shadows. The rain pouring heavily; her hood is up over her head covering her eyes. The sound of thunder radiating throughout the land like an earthquake when its plates dislocate and move along the fault of two rocks colliding against each other.

Once she jumped into the forest she noticed a kunai whizzed passed her head impaling into the tree next to her. The first thought was of that clan. And in a blink of an eye, Shisui appeared along with Kakashi. Her hopes diminished seeing Itachi hadn't come at all. However, she would assume they were here to stop her.

"Oh, Shisui... I see that you've come. Are you going to help?" Mirai knew that if she begins to taunt him he will get angry with her playfulness. Shisui tried to hold in his fuel with the poor girl's attitude. Such a tactic. Women are sour creatures...

"Cut your shit. You're returning this instant." Shisui glared harshly since he would rather be in bed sleeping for the next few remaining hours before the sun rises. Mirai smirked delicately while hopping in a tree standing on a leverage branch.

"I didn't take you to be this bad with women, Shisui-kun." Kakashi sighed and held his hand out channelling bits of white-bluish lightning that made an awful atrocious crackling noise. Mirai looked down with a stoic expression in delight while playing her fake emotions. She sheathed the demonic weapon from its saya holding the tsuka in the palm of her hands.

"So are you just going to just stand there?" Mirai silently stood in place seeing if Kakashi was going to move except—

A quiet attack nearly immobilized her from behind. Mirai jumped to the next branch several yards with a twisting leap while looking down seeing Kakashi weaving hand-signs so fast she couldn't tell what he just used. A lightning shadow clone technique? Kakashi's hand sliced through the tree she was at which then Shisui used his tanto to cut her right side carefully not trying to fatally hurt her while using his body flicker technique to move at a higher rate. At this point, Mirai wasn't intending to fight them she was more focused on dodging their attacks and getting away.

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