No. 33: Shiroi Otera

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Not even two days past and the storm barely calmed. The sound of the wind is what kept her wide awake at night. Obito and Rin had been negotiating trade deals with the Shogun and lastly, they're waiting for the cue to leave to capture the bandits.

It was quite strange how there are bandits roaming around in their territory. Mirai barely slept with the hard impact the rain made near her windowsill. She would inhale sharply and keep her blanket tucked in around her due to the cold air seeping in from the cracks the place held.

She was terrified if she has another run-in with Larashiki the man of mysteries. He knows of her more than she does. And apparently knew of her birth parents. Something she longed to know more of. And always carried a curiosity of knowing what they were like.

She shook her head with such vigour. Mirai couldn't tell if she wanted to know more or to stay her distance for now. Her eyes felt a burning sensational feeling as if something activated in her. "Ah!" she clenched her head in her hands in pain. The hot feeling wouldn't leave her one bit. The feeling to her felt like plenty of senbon embedding into her head.

"They're coming and you know it." Many flashes of her lineage blinked through her mind. It was fast; she didn't know anyone who was presented in the anonymous dream. They all carried either white or brown hair with distinguishing aspects of their appearances.

"Shut up!"

"Run while you can." The voice dissipated and echoed. Mirai's mind turned black and felt foggy from memories that weren't hers. Within a mere second, the painful headache immediately stopped.

Her door burst open revealing Ikema and Kirasawa in their nightwear looking worried from her sudden screeching and yelping in her sleep. Her face was heating up in beads of sweat.

"Mirai-chan! Are you okay? We heard you scream." Ikema was the first the frantically panic to her aid. She nodded nervously while swallowing thickly as if her tongue was eaten by wolves.

"W-Was it a nightmare?" Kirasawa asked this time seeing that Mirai turned her head away. 'It wasn't a nightmare... it was something I can't describe. I can't tell anyone... I have to return back to the Leaf.'

"I will rather be alone. I appreciate your concern about my well being. This is something I must overtake on my own." Mirai tried to explain cautiously while her hands gripped the sheets.

"What's going on in here?" Ume appeared alongside Rin trailing behind. Ume scowled seeing that they all were crowding Mirai's room worrying over the frail girl.

"It's nothing I swear! Uh-ummm could we possibly just do our mission?" Mirai was hiding everything she could while clenching her eyes closed. The two boys seem to have dropped the situation and nodded with stern confused expressions. Rin gave her a scrutinized look examining the girl's condition. Mirai knew her superior wouldn't drop the subject.

"We will all meet in the courtyard at noon. Bring comfortable clothing; check your closets for something that's suitable since the ground is soaked and a possible tsunami may hit the land anytime with the rapid winds and the conditions. The Shogun permitted us to use their traditions only because we are assigned to capture the bandits by all means." Rin crossed her arms while tapping her foot on the ground. The others soon left to their temporary rooms to change. Mirai soon began to ponder of the loud reverberating thunders this nation carries throughout. 'They must be used to the constant lightning and exotic thunder at night considering how terrified I was at night while living in Taka. I think I would have died if I could never see the sun while living here.'

This mission was going to be interesting...


"Alright! So the Yondaime has ordered us to come and to take care of the bandits we have not known much about. Rin and I already talked to the Shogun of this land and territory to take action of their crimes. We have no idea what the bandits want at all and will find out exactly what the purpose of their stealing and kidnappings means. Yada... yada... I loathe those who cause pain on others. Even I don't know what the means of why they're breaking into the storage room." Obito raised the palm of his hand and whacked his forehead with his hand. His face disgruntled in annoyance which doesn't seem pleasant to see him in such a state.

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