No. 14: Evading Emotions

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"Oi, Mirai-san." Shisui's voice caught Mirai's attention suddenly. She was training in the Hyuga compound for her upcoming missions with her genin team. Itachi wasn't anywhere nearby, thank Kami to Mirai's knowledge.

"What the hell do you want?" Mirai threw a few shurikens towards the targets just when Shisui used a few of his shurikens to counteract hers to hit the targets in the centre. This caused her to grow annoyed from 'helping her' be successful.

Shisui chuckled calmly, his eyes dropped onto her crud genin uniform. "I was told to see if you are holding up perfectly fine since you know..."

"May you stop? I don't need your help," Mirai hissed with anticipation from his showing off cool side that she always hated when Uchihas especially would try. "You certainly don't look like you have fully healed. Step aside, for now, you really don't want to hurt yourself more." Shisui was demanding her? She couldn't comprehend what he was trying to say. He is acting more serious than normal, even she knew she couldn't fight him one on one. It wouldn't end pretty well and lastly, Itachi wouldn't like to come by to witness them brawl out.

"I'm fine. Now leave me alone—"

"Ya right. You look like shit! Take a break," Shisui tried to reason with her with his normal self causing her to scoff and glare harshly.

"Fine, I'll go home." Mirai swiftly turned to pick up the remaining blades embedded in the trees and scorned the ground she walked. Well, until the next thing Shisui said that caused her to stop dead in her tracks.

"Itachi-kun is acting really strange now. I was going to question if you know of—"

"Shisui," a familiar voice sliced through the air drawing in both of their attention.

Mirai was snickering on the inside while she picked up the last remaining shuriken blades. She took in a small glimpse of Itachi who was glaring at Shisui and avoiding her gaze for some reason. 'What's his problem? He saved my life a while ago, acting all flirty, and now he stopped pestering me around. Most likely the Hokage was impressed with his abilities and has been sending him on confidential missions.

"Ja ne~ Itachi-kun I didn't sense you there." Shisui Bowes respectfully smiling like an idiot. 'Neither did I pick up on his chakra signature?'

"How about we all go eat at the sushi bar near here." Shisui looked at his friend and Mirai who was giving him an apathetic look. "Hmph, I'm actually good. I didn't bring any change on me." Mirai cautiously was slowly beginning to walk away, but Shisui took ahold of her sleeve pulling her along. "Don't worry, we'll handle it. It's our treat," Shisui laughed while dragging her across town.

"Your treat," Itachi rolled his eyes at him. And this was when Mirai stayed quiet watching them bicker like how siblings would.

"You seriously are bad at handling women. You don't tenaciously grip their arms." Itachi had a scowl engrossing his face.

"Ay, ay. I was just making sure she wouldn't run off. Since ya know... you tend to scare off girls for an odd reason." Shisui looked at Itachi pleasantly trying to annoy him. Itachi groaned loudly ignoring what he was trying to imply.

Yes, he tends to ignore the squeals of the young girls who would sometimes surround him trying to catch his attention for numerous of reasons. He's a prodigy, well known around many villages, his handsome looks at this age of time, and especially he's an Uchiha. He's beginning to be well known for his Sharingan abilities and catching the name of 'Itachi of the Sharingan'.

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