No. 49: Returning

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The walk back was briefly two days. Finally, Itachi could relax as the medics took Mirai from his grasp. Still, they reassured him that she would be fine. It was an unsettling feeling he felt. He wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend officially once she is healed completely and awake. However, he needed to return to his place first and see his family and of course his childhood friend; Shisui.

"ITACHI?!" of course that voice was none other than Naruto himself. Itachi thickly swallowed looking at Naruto who has grown up a bit.

"Naruto..." he quietly says turning away, Itachi couldn't pinpoint how he felt at the moment. Finally, he was back at home wanting to sleep a bit.

"Where the hell have you been? Sasuke is a complete shut-in who hates absolutely everything!" Naruto bellowed as Itachi was feeling ashamed for what his brother has been up to. "Gomen, I'll deal with Sasuke." Itachi turned to leave while the Fourth Hokage's son fused with anger.

"You better! Or else I would of!" Naruto was insane as he could be. Itachi couldn't help but smile at him and his foolishness.

The wall back to his former place was bone-chilling almost. Would they hate him? He didn't like the feeling if they didn't so he knocked instead.

None other than Mikoto his mother opened the door. "I-Itachi?!" she shrieked taking a closer look at him. And then pulling Itachi into her warm motherly embrace. "I-I thought you wouldn't return in all honestly." She cooed not letting go of him. Itachi was happy, happy to be home with his family. He missed his parents and never has he been away this long from them.

"Fugaku! Your son is finally home!" Mikoto shouter pulling Itachi into their home.

"So you decided to come back early. Or was it that your mission didn't require the time you thought it would be?" Fugaku came around the corner crossing his arms over his chest staring at his exhausted son.

"It was successful and my mission didn't require longer time being away." He was avoiding bringing up Mirai's name. Itachi dreaded to know the changes and what the Uchiha clan are going to do now. Minato has been fixing amends with them unlike what the Second Hokage and the Third Hokage did not do.

"N-Niisan?" Sasuke had wide eyes full of disparity unlike the last Itachi had seen him. His younger brother always cared and looked up to Itachi. Even though, Sasuke can be a prick sometimes at school since that is how he is.


"I'll go make tea!" Mikoto broke the tension leaving them for some alone time. And the same with Fugaku.


Mirai finally awoke after what seemed like ages. Well, she slept for a good day laying in bed and looking out of the window despondently. So now what will happen? She has no home, no place to go... she felt at the loss of words. Mirai barely could look at Itachi the same as before.

"M-Mirai...?" The soft voice of Yui struck her thoughts. Mirai's eyes travelled to the door to see the girl dressed up with long ravishingly pink-hued hair that travelled down to her hips.

"I was told by Naruto who was told by Neji, who was told by Hinata that you'd be back. He– um... started to go around 'Itachi and his girlfriend are back!' So I presumed it was you." Yui went to her right bedside to gaze upon her slight weakened form.

"I don't know what happens to me now. How have you been?" Mirai's voice was calm and trepidation latched onto her tone. Yui turned a bright shade of pink suddenly scratching her head. "J-Junko has asked me out. I– uh... said yes the third time since he won't shut up. At first, I wasn't ready nor do I know how to handle relationships. I do really like him, but things certainly have changed around here." Yui placed a firm hand on her hip making Mirai gape at her response.

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