N0. 6: Breaking Point

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Mirai age 11 || Itachi age 11 (almost 12)


Major time skip
~3 years has passed

The leaves blew in the wind as the village grew in numbers. Many changes occurred as Mirai felt happier and had more of a talkative side when she needed to speak. The village was peaceful and felt more like home. Of course, she wouldn't forgive the village for killing her foster parents who raised her for a few years. Mirai wanted to know more about them as well, but the circumstances were extremely low. Mirai was a genin at this point ready to take the Chuunin exams, she can't look back at the past and needs to move forward. And with that, she has her two other teammates Ganmaru, Ikema who were up to par with her speed.

Mirai felt that the academy was an easy start of what the real world of a shinobi would look like. She is finally ten years old, barely had turn less than a month ago. Tenshi has been training her in private when he wasn't so busy. And he is fifteen now, just got promoted to Jonin.

Itachi is already a Jonin at the age of ten which didn't shock her much. He wasn't much older than her, maybe a couple of months at max. Mirai noticed how Izumi and Itachi had been distant and not talking to each other. She has seen Itachi quite a few times during the past three years, he would have a few run ins when he was doing missions, and sometimes would come around to see her near the lake often.

This would often happened a few times a week, to a few times a month, to barely seeing him around. She loved his presence, his long ravishing hair that was tied back in a low ponytail; his long lashes that makes up his features. His smile seemed more genuine and of course, their small talk of how they've been. She liked hearing about his little brother and seeing Itachi smile at the mention of Sasuke, and she would think of Hinata as her younger sister when she talks about her progress. Especially, since he helped Mirai communicate more as well, and even their silence was indeed comforting to just lay down in the shade near the river or sat by the lake in the sun. And on a lot of occasions, he'd watch her practice for a bit when he wasn't doing any missions.

Mirai would look more happy than sad, that is what she felt most of the time anyway. Uchiha Obito is her sensei now and has been for the last few months since she graduated as a genin. It was strange, he is bubbly and strict at the same time. Well, he is definitely around the age of twenty-five. He's a characteristic man with dreams he wants to accomplish. He likes to see Mirai push harder than her expectations most days and same with the other two.

"Obito~!" A female voice struck the air as his students were trying to spar one another catching most of them off guard, but Mirai who leapt jumped down swiftly on her feet throw a kunai that whizzed passed Ikema's face.

"Never take your eyes off your opponent, Ikema-san." Mirai smiled deviously at her teammate who fused with slight anger of his distraction. Still, the female was Rin.. she was nice with short brown hair and purple markings on her cheeks. She is a high-class medical ninja with high-class techniques with medical ninjutsu.

"Great job Mirai-chan!" Obito looked away from his students to see his attitude changed for Rin of more affectionate and lovestruck. Two love birds at its finest and she wished someone cared as much as he did for her.

"I assumed you'll be working later than usual.. umm, I made you a bento box." She handed him one and he smiled as usual. "Arigato, Rin-san." He felt a jolt of happiness as she decided to sit next to Obito and watch his students.

"Ikema, your hand gestures are quite awful. You should make your signs a little cleaner and focus your mind more." Obito suggested whereas Ikema nodded strictly and tried something different. He focused his chakra into a ball and formed a vortex of water that spiralled in a unison motion.

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