No. 1: Devastation of Taka

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Itachi isn't in the ANBU at this point..


Mirai barely could breathe when she felt someone touch her spine to see if she was capable of walking. She fluttered her eyes open and gasped for air as she remembered what had happened, but briefly attempted to move as something was tying her down.

"Ah, Mirai-chan. I see you're awake," she heard the anonymous voice and turned her head to look up to see a few of masked shinobi hovering over top of her. She couldn't even feel pain anywhere other than constant numbness.

"M-Mama... where is she?" she felt her tears form again but was cut short with a tenacious neck grab by one of the masked men.

"Enough Taki." The other one called, although there were three of them all who were much stronger. Mirai has no idea who they were and what they want from her.

"Your parents are dead kid. You are soon to meet your fated destiny in a new place." She slowly touched her face where the man grabbed her, she weakly pushed herself back towards the wall just when fear took over. If she dies, would she join them? The village she grew up in is gone and she doesn't know why or understand. Everyone was too kind and generous to her, but it felt strange to be placed in another home. Would she be orphaned?

"What is her surname?" One of them asked the two others who shrugged, immediately displaying apathy with their body language.

Mirai was soon picked up and thrown onto one of their backs before they took off since their mission was completed.

The breeze was cool and brisk as the weather caressed her skin a bit. A shadow of an estranged village cascaded over the hilltop. She saw the monument of four faces carved into the mountain behind the village; that she doesn't recognize at all, she felt her eyes looked sad and dull as the man who was carrying her body flickered so fast and landed on a burgundy building.

"W-What is this?" she questioned the man who looked at her with a devious expression. He didn't respond but rather drag her inside the building carefully, but not dropping her hard on the cold wooden floor. Mirai made a thud on the ground and looked like she was on the verge of tears as her body trembled.

"Mirai-san, am I right?" An older man who wore a white cloak on while wearing a red hat that says Hokage. The man tilted his head to get a closer look at the six-year-old soon to be seven in a week.

She didn't say anything and just looked dead straight at the palms of her hands while her legs were rested behind her in a lousy sitting position. "I-I don't want to be here." Mirai quietly says as she examined the room carefully.

"It must be scary in a new environment, hmm. What is your surname?" He asked, but something in him thought she was strange as he sent out shinobi to attack Taka for this one kid alone. Many rumours had spread across the fire nation of a white-haired child with pure white eyes that looked identical to the Byakugan. However, little to the girl's knowledge, another elder had ordered the root to invade without much of Hiruzen's authority to comply.

A small frail girl; her soul-shattering with every ounce of pain coursing through her veins. Why would they do something like this?

Hiruzen tilted his head examining her. Could she be a Hyūga? However, he wanted to know more but knew he wouldn't get an answer right away. Her eyes resemble the Byakugan, but her hair does not one bit.

"I don't know.." she whispered again which he heard while he does give her a reassuring smile. He wants to know what she hones inside of her will. And for that, he wants to send her to the academy to train and see propitious results appeasing the village's needs.

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