No. 24: Despondent Feelings

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Barely eight months have gone by in a place she could barely call home again. She rarely saw Yui a few times during her return. She took note of how Yui's smile seems to be fake and despondent. Her pink hair was dishevelled while her eyes would sometimes be red and puffy as if she cries herself to sleep. Mirai wanted to help the girl but she can't even find a way to leave the grasp of Danzō.

She would be occasionally sent on missions that require the momentum to kill. She would sit back and watch the others finish the job. She didn't have the intent to kill and was glad she didn't feel like a monster. Itachi would sometimes be a captain for her squad under Minato's order for unknown reasons. The missions were atrocious to her despair while she witnesses what death looked like; the idea of killing someone without hesitation. She wished that she was put out of her misery with the less freedom she was granted.

Mirai has been avoiding Itachi as much as she could. However, Zamia and Fūma have been following her around like dogs. It was nearly hard to be alone considering the two would watch her constantly. Itachi would as well avoid any contact with Mirai since her being under some kind of warrant. He didn't need to be the next target of Danzō as of yet.

Mirai quietly felt dissatisfied with her emotions being out of place. Itachi has started to be kind to her and she doesn't know why. Mirai wanted to gain Danzō's trust and eventually kill him. However, she needs Yui to be safe or else her worries take over. Can she flee once again? Or will someone try to stop her? It's tedious and the Uchihas would sense her motives.

She could barely sleep that night and thought about Itachi. She has been realizing her feelings more throughout the years. Mirai kept shaking her head, she knew her future meant nothing in a world full of hatred. She has nothing else to live for; other than a few people who mean more to her than any village, country, or nation. Her former team, sensei, many who call her a friend and of course, Itachi who always makes her feel welcomed. She didn't know what he meant to her, she doesn't understand her feelings and what they meant.

The next day she passed the dark halls lonely and isolated. Her detached split off form wandered outside where the sun was rising over the hills.

"It's not like you to be awake this early." A familiar tone snapped her head back to see Shisui leaning against the stone wall. Mirai rolled her eyes readily to leave, but Shisui was ten times faster and caught her wrist pulling her backwards.

"We need to talk," his voice was singe with acrimony but not so much of anger.

Mirai nodded quickly trying not to show much fear in her eyes. Shisui was smart and a man who would always get answers. He was briefly fifteen while Itachi was fourteen.

She followed him away from the Anbu underground facility and near the Naka forest. Mirai remembered how she and Shisui got into an altercation in this exact forest.

"I don't think those rats are following. I need answers or else it won't look pretty on your end." Shisui crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against a tree.

Mirai couldn't sense Zamia or Fūma nearby at all. It's quite strange how she couldn't sense them either.

"Okay, you can ask." Mirai snobbish attitude caused Shisui growled inwardly.

"Why are you even back? It's hard to even get you alone since that pig Danzō would have you surveillance throughout the day twenty-four seven. Itachi-san is too distracted to focus on anything considering you're back. He won't talk to his friend; his best friend. Him being distracted and in denial is making his father cut down on his activities now. He doesn't know much about his feelings toward you at all. He calls it 'slight worry' or curiosity which we all know is lies. He... is not himself anymore and he can't even admit that he has a huge soft spot when it comes to you. Can you at least answer why did you return? Why do you want to kill Danzō? Don't lie about anything or else. You can't be so naive, Mirai-chan." Shisui balled his fists and had a look of indignation in his eyes. She froze at his words, she refused to believe that Itachi has a soft liking towards her. She tried to loathe him for the years she knew him. But seemly she can't.

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