No. 20: Gone Without a Trace

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Mirai had walked back to the Hokage's building but utterly stopped in her tracks. 'Did she sense me?' Tenzo's eyes widen while he hid behind lots of structures a few hundred meters from Mirai. He tried not to displayed emotions and needed to follow his mission thoroughly. He's not the type to ever get caught.

Mirai stepped inside the red building while the young ANBU stayed outside prying in on their conversation. "Minato-sensei, I feel that I will lose myself if I don't train properly. I need to go there, please." The fragile girl begged, and yet Tenzo has no idea what they were talking about. She wanted to leave? Go where? He needed to report to Danzō afterwards.

"It is safe in best interest if you'd stay, for now, my former teacher is not around to even-" the Hokage was immediately cut off. "You have trained there for some time and you would not even let me go, I don't feel right if I stay here at all." The girl had cried out but still, the Hokage shook his head not knowing what else to do. His curiosity still got the best of him.

Her heritage. She doesn't need to leave to train when she's good as it is here. Even she is at Jōnin level, but Minato himself wanted to know how can this girl learn so fast. He has read a lot of books in his life, and he still has no idea what explains her background or origin.

Minato has no idea what clan she originated from and the girl has been questioning her heritage now. Minato knew this time would come eventually. He sighed inwardly trying to keep his cool manner in place. However, Mirai took note of his same decision and dashed out. She did hope he would call her name out to come back, but he never did. She was alone and now she wanted it to stay like that.

Tenzo didn't particularly understand what the altercation was but he followed the female to where she sat. Alone on the cold ground near the forest needing fresh air to calm her mind. Tenzo didn't know what would happen if he'd approached her. Would anyone see and know who he was? Tenzo knew there was only one way to find out.

Mirai's senses went off sending a tingling vibe through her body, while slowly itching for a kunai to throw.

"Wait!" the young man who doesn't look older than sixteen held his hands up in defeat. Mirai looked at him suspiciously. She pulled back and pushed herself to sit up against the tree behind. Her face contorted as her peace was disturbed. "I-I actually came because I thought you were interesting." The young man smiled making Mirai form an 'oh' from the corners of her lips. She wasn't buying this typical lie at all.

She turned away slightly embarrassed from his comment. "Such lies, many who want me are usually for what I hold. State your business or get lost," she seethed with enmity towards him.

"Hai, um... that is not what I meant actually," Tenzo's voice quieted down and inched closer to her and saw how frightened she was even. 'Why would Danzō-sama even want to use a broken girl? A sickening tactic, no wonder some of the Uchihas wanted to protect her from him..' Tenzo was quietly observing the girl from afar. Her eyes showed horridly but eventually calmed down.

"Why are you staring? Just sit down somewhere and don't talk, peace is what I like." Mirai fumed drastically, her eyes barely showed emotions and were impractical. Tenzo did as she said and sat a few meters away from her to gain trust. 'Her emotions seemed to be wonky as if she wants to close off completely. Itachi has been keeping his distance lately. Still, he couldn't particularly be a reason why she is acting a bit insane? No, the small altercation with Minato must be it.' Tenzo slumped his shoulder back as he watched the girl before him lay her head against the tree to relax. Tenzo sighed widening his eyes noticing a presence close by.

"What are you doing here?" a voice broke their peaceful integrated thoughts. "I thought I made it clear that the dogs of Danzō were to stay away from her." Itachi landed in front of them with Shisui close behind.

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