No. 11: The First Exam

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~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<> [Part 1]

"As a genin, Mirai-san. I am assigning you a mission to the Hidden Steam Village, you are to meet the others by sunset in an hour. Sorry, it was last minute and it is a C-Rank mission. You have been extremely prominent in the past few weeks. I am rather shocked by you passing up the opportunity a couple of years back to skip year three. It isn't any of my business either way. Your team captain is Itachi-"

"For all due respects, Lord Fourth... I don't think Itachi and I get along that well. Is it possible that I don't take part on this mission?" Mirai had her feelings bottled up not wanting to go near that Uchiha 'perfect prodigy' anyway. Minato, on the other hand, shook his head and sighed annoyingly at her pessimistic attitude.

He grabbed some scroll in his desk holding it toward her. "If you can not cooperate with others which is an essential part of teamwork, I am afraid you will have to sign this scroll meaning you will give up the ways of a shinobi, and hand over your headband." Minato was strict with this rule and she sighed not taking the scroll. She glanced over at his dark expression of seriousness, dismay and discontent.

"Gomen'nasai... I didn't mean to offend you. I won't disappoint you with this mission." Mirai bowed down using her flicker body jutsu to teleport to the front gate of the village where she is to meet the others. She would most likely wait a while before the team is assembled. Itachi was a chuunin, leaving her behind in the dust as he has done all those years ago. And now she has been getting comfortable with her new team and the goof Obito he is, she feels she is still in the dark with many things.

"I see you came." A voice struck from afar. She took in Itachi's presence barely acknowledging him there. She couldn't predict his moves or motives and crossed her arms leaning against the stone pillar gate ignoring his existence.

"Did Lord Fourth upset you?" Itachi tried to question while the other two chuunin were walking towards them. Mirai still ignored him not trying to give in to his antics or questioning.

"I am only here because I was told to be. What exactly do you want from me?" her tone was sour and cold like his eyes most of the time. Well not exactly, he tends to put on acts and fake his emotions on missions to better the village's reputation for success.

"Why do you hate me?" Itachi's question struck her like ice embedding in her fair skin. Mirai was astounded that he finally asked this abhorrent question. Mirai scoffed, she didn't feel obligated to answer him and proceeded to walk towards the two other chuunin shinobi above her; Gyoki and Raika. Itachi, on the other hand, was eager to know why she felt off and cold most of the time. He always wondered what he did to her to set her off most of the time.

Mirai had been exchanging her name with them and questioning them about the mission and not him. Itachi never thought she could be so difficult and somehow, abundant to handle at times. Her attitude will get her in a lot of trouble.


"Raika-san, you're going to be in the middle with Mirai-chan.. Gyoki will be in the front with me looking for other possible threats around. I will take the lead." Itachi shot Mirai a smile which she looked fazed and emotionless. Even for the few hours of them jumping through trees was enough silence, but Itachi suddenly switched places with Raika in the trees.

"Shouldn't you be upfront, captain?" Mirai seethed, she tried to not let the Uchiha get the better of her anger either way. Itachi shrugged, "there is no danger nearby so it is not a problem. Raika is a capable chuunin. I want to understand something from you actually." Itachi was calm like usual and gave her a friendly grin.

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