No. 44: To Take Risks

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Mirai walked around the eerie halls that flowed in the night lights. The vibrant colours were something you'd rarely see. Along with the water fountain in the middle of the Mūnparesu which was the moon palace.

"It's well past your bedtime, hmm?" A voice struck her ears.

"Urashiki..." she muttered barely turning around to meet his gaze. For some reason, Remora was hinting for Mirai to trust him. It was an odd feeling.

"Please... at least, protect her from the others." Her aunt's voice conveyed in her head. 'So can I trust him?' Mirai was lost and didn't say anything while she waited for him to start up something.

"I can still sense your fear. I won't let the others do your harm. You'll grow accustomed here in no time." Urashiki was about to turn to leave. Somehow, Mirai reaches out and curled her fingers around the hem of his sleeve.

She didn't notice Urashiki's soft expression. "Please... I don't want to stay here longer. Daishinki-sama wants me to prefect things that I believe are impossible." Mirai looked up at him still gripping his sleeve pleading.

"There are things that you still don't understand. Hmm... I believe that this place isn't all that bad. Just keep your guard up at all times. I won't allow this side of the family to destroy what's left of the branch. I'll admit, you aren't so bad compared to the other members." Urashiki faintly grinned pulling his arm away from her grasp.

She took it in herself to stop him from moving once more. "Can you tell me one thing.... are you an enemy?" Mirai's skin jumped seeing his head whip around to face her from the side.

"Hmph. That's for you to decide."

Then he was gone.


Several more weeks flew by since Itachi has departed from the village. And little to his knowledge about the time differences between the dimensions. The moon of Mūnkuran is much slower than the world the shinobi lives in. Several days have gone by in that dimension resulting in several months in the shinobi world. Still leaving his little brother was one of the hardest things to do.

: :

Sasuke was on his way to the academy with the doofus Naruto and many other acquaintances around the village who were trailing behind. It's slowly been manifesting him eternally. He missed his elder brother more than anything. However, Sasuke does understand Itachi has been placing everyone above him for so long that he deserves the happiness he so desires.

"Oi! Sasuke-kun! Aren't you listening?!" Naruto was growing irritated by his friend's radical listening skills. He's been frequently more distracted lately. It's certainly not like him to have awful shuriken throws than Naruto. Well, it certainly has been a big deal.

Sakura and Ino have been wondering what is up with Sasuke. They're growing slightly eager with anticipation wanting to know what has been up with the Uchiha lately.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to deal with you right now." Sasuke pushes Naruto away and was close to smashing the wall behind him. Lastly, jetting off in the opposite direction to clear some air was what Sasuke needed.

'How could I feel so attached to my niisan, than I even encouraged all of this to happen? Everyone is irritating, my skin is burning from their voices. I guess it must have been separation anxiety that Okaasan explained the other day.'

Sasuke wasn't in the mood with anyone. He was near a forest inflicting his kunai ruthlessly in the tree multiple times inflicting many marks. And then there was Sakura standing from behind catching his attention from her light-weight gasp. "S-Sasuke-kun?!" She was holding a basket of sweet seaweed onigiri balls. Her crimson blush grew immensely in his presence while she held a hand up to her lips. Sasuke was slightly taken back that she ran after him.

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