No. 31: Land of Storms

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Mirai was up most of the night thinking of Itachi and why he left. 'Did I do something?' Her mind was completely in a daze from him confusing her to an extent.

She wouldn't admit to him of her exact feelings yet. Sure she may like him more than a friend; perhaps it's love. She still doesn't understand why men confuse women to a point that it's irreversible damage. Now she can't get over him whether he is towing with her or not. She hoped he was being genuine and not playing with her heart. And now she had to worry more about Danzō the evil man who would take away anyone's happiness.

"Mirai-san!" A familiar boy brought her mind back. Ganmaru nearly tripped over his feet making his way towards her with Ikema trailing behind casually. Obito was sitting with Rin on a bench romantically with a carefree arm around her shoulders. She noticed how he was making her laugh and smile. Mirai wished Itachi made her laugh the way Obito does with Rin.

"Hmm?" Mirai acted naively and not paying attention barely to the now Jonin. Ikema and Ganmaru are Jonin unlike her status just as a Chuunin.

She wondered how Ryugura Karatachi and his days are like currently. He certainly sparked an interest in her. His abilities were phenomenal since they last met which was during the Chuunin exams.

"Hello?! Minato-sama has ordered myself, Ikema, Ume, Kirasawa and even Obito-sensei to leave for the Land of Storms for trade and to deal with outside bandits that are ex-shinobi of the Hidden Leaf. Seems rather... dangerous. I'm surprised they haven't gotten any Anbu for this mission. I don't know if Rin-san is coming, but if so she would be a great access to medical emergencies in case. I heard that Lady Tsunade was will be coming back to Konoha to visit along with Jiraiya soon to discuss something with the Yondaime." Ganmaru began to ramble on. And so on, the more he kept talking she laughed out loud catching him off guard.

"Hey! This is no laughing matter, we need to go soon. Well.. once Obito-sensei ready." Ganmaru facepalmed and groaned to himself. Ikema was trying to practice his throwing techniques with his specialized Kunai that generates Fūton release creating huge impacts on the targets of impaled.

"You're right, Gan-san. However, I must meet with someone real quick before we leave. Tell Obito-sensei I'll come by the entrance of the village to prepare our departure." Mirai bowed and used her flicker jutsu to find Itachi before she leaves.

Her mind was frantic as time passed by. Still she tried to sense him, however, her luck was dissipating. She looked above at the buildings and no signs. She wanted to explain and possibly confess.

She ran back inside HQ and was met with none other than Danzō. Her scowl appearance began to show like a cat meeting up with its prey.

"I see you're looking for something... or rather someone. The Uchiha boys aren't here or some of the others you're familiar with." Danzō nearly swatted his hand in front of his face as if she was some pest. Her scorn look disapproved of his answer as to why they weren't around.

"I already sent them on a group mission that I can't disclose. You have your own so leave." Danzō smirked insanely leaving the girl to tremor in her spot with dark orbs piercing the man's back. His cane echoed through the halls just when his silhouette began to show leaving.

Mirai stood there bubbling before fast pacing back to the front of the entrance. 'Did he really wanted to be on active duty the day after he kissed me and confessed?! What the hell is wrong with him?!'

When she made an appearance Obito had his arms crossed mockingly. "Well look who's late!" He glared which Mirai couldn't tell if it was playful or not. She sighed respectfully and calmly.

"I couldn't find someone. May we continue and proceed with this mission?" She looked at him in hopes he wouldn't question her plea to shut up.

"Says the one who kept us behind. We could have been travelling by now." Ume rolled her eyes at Mirai. This nearly made her launch at the girl.

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