No. 15: Taking a Break

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Stupid Uchiha...

Mirai was panting heavily as she tried to sleep that night. She wanted to apologize to Itachi but whatever she said must have hurt him? She was confused about whether she could break him like what she'd did. And a wide smirk spread across her face.

"I would watch your words around others, and especially myself."

She wanted to be able to win and surpass everything with ease. However, his face keeps popping up everywhere in her mind. Why did the academy days get so awful? He saved her on their first encounter, and now Junko has smartened up throughout the two years. Mirai on the other hand, never gotten over the fact how she couldn't grow much improvement after she graduated. Her frustration was eating away at her, Itachi though, was one of her weaknesses. She can't focus straight without imagining what he'd do in any situation she is put through.

She just wants to get this done with. She definitely wanted to leave to go to Mt. Myōboku to train and use natural energy. It would take at least two to five years before she could return if that would be possible for her. How on earth would she tell the others of this decision either? And by the time she comes back, things will never be the same. She is becoming more hesitant about whether she should leave and return eventually. Would she want to return? She hated how her feelings for a certain someone won't go away. Especially, when he doesn't seem to not look her way. He's very loyal to his clan and village, Izumi seems to be a good choice for him?

Mirai was just as confused when Izumi a few weeks ago before the Chuunin exams was worried about Itachi not liking her? Mirai didn't mean to eavesdrop on their entire conversation between Ume and Izumi.


"I-I don't know if he likes me. He's always so kind and genuine. I-I don't know what to do. He's being avoidant which isn't like him," Izumi was hurting on the inside and breathing heavily. Ume laughed, "don't be so stubborn. Of course, he likes you! You guys are such a perfect match. He'll for sure come around," Ume slapped Izumi's back who was flushing from Ume's comment.

Mirai couldn't help but feel hopeless that Izumi who's from the same clan, is deeply infatuated with the young Uchiha prodigy. Ume, on the other hand, used to really like him back during the Academy, but she dropped her nonsense because of her friend.

Things certainly have changed, Mirai hated what she is feeling and wanted to leave and never come back.


Just a month now is all she has before the last Chuunin exams appear around the corner.




Mirai sprung to her feet as she got the door. Her two teammates stood there waiting for her already, whereas Mirai was still in her night yukata.

"Aren't you ready? Kakashi-sensei is waiting!" Ganmaru looked disappointed and the same for Ikema who crossed his arms over his chest. 'Kakashi waiting? That's new...'

"Gomen'nasai! I forgot! I will meet you two there." She closed the door and began to change into her clothes real quick. The same ones like usual apparently since she didn't have time to wash nor had she brought any other clean clothes. Her hair was tied up high as loose snow-coloured locks cascaded the front of her face.

She thought for a minute about how does Izumi compare to her and immediately shook her head from thinking like that. She doesn't want to be jealous either and not develop worse feelings and emotions.

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