No. 29: Hinata

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Mirai inhaled the fresh air and knocked twice and stood back. Her nerves made her feel tingling from the fingers down to her toes. She doesn't know how they would react truth be said.

The door creaked open from sliding the Shoji door. Viratsuki was the one who answered. Her eyes widen so wide that Mirai thought they'd pop out any second.

"M-Mirai?! No, wait— you can't be! Hiashi-dono!" She rushes back inside in a quick motion which had Mirai in a panic state not knowing what will come.

"So you've returned?" A deeper voice disrupted her thoughts. She nearly gasped seeing Hiashi passive and had his hands behind his back.

She nodded anxiously seeing how Hiashi had let her in. The two walked inside the room that she had last remembered two and a half years ago. "I came by to apologize and that I don't look for forgiveness after all it must have been hectic for you guys. Especially Hinata-hime who was briefly three years old." Mirai bowed in an apologetic manner causing Hiashi to chuckle lightly.

"It's fine, I don't seek any sort of loathsome of your disappearance. Hinata-hime on the other hand... is merely five years old and does have a recollection of your appearance. I think you should be the one making up with her than me or Kasu-san." Hiashi crosses his arms over his chest while another shoji door in the room slid open revealing two maids that seem new. One who looked sixteen years of age while the other one looked older possibly eighteen.

"Hiashi-san, Hinata has left again unexpectedly." The maid bowed seeing how he would react.

Hiashi inhaled sharply his eyes glimmering with slight sadness. "She began to wander off on her own ever since you left here. Maybe it isn't the right time for you to announce that you're back. I don't know how she would take it." The man leaned against his desk while the maids scrutinized their gaze on the girl.

"I think I want to see her. It would be possible to stop her aimless wandering, Hiashi-san." Mirai insisted, her hands quivering in slight anticipation. The elder sighed tiredly and looked at the maids with worry showing in his eyes.

"Raika and Ginea will be the ones to find my daughter and bring her here." Hiashi gave them a stern look. Mirai assumed the younger girl with long semi-curly dark navy blue hair to be Raika who is younger and Ginea with short brown hair that reached to her shoulders.

The two nodded nervously leaving them to go find Hinata before things escalate. And not barely a few minutes passed Kasu entered Hiashi's study office and widen her eyes bigger than Vira's reaction to her presence.

"M-Mirai-chan?!" She squeaked and placed down the tea she made for her husband. Her belly was big again indicating she was pregnant with their second child.

"Kasu—" before she could say a word the woman engulfed her in an uncomfortable hug that squeezed most of the air out of Mirai's lungs.

"Why did you ever leave? I don't understand what we couldn't have—"

"Kasu-san, It has nothing to do with you at all! I swear, it was my own ambitions that drove me to seek answers outside the village's borders. And I was fine the entire time, I resided near the Iron Claw village of Samurai that protected everyone. I learned what the meaning of protecting those close to you. The Shogun was deemed as the strongest in the Land of Iron and had unbreakable armour that would take an entire army to tear him down. My efforts proved me otherwise as I stayed for over two years practicing and learning new things. I... I just couldn't bring myself to come back and to apologize for my selfishness. Gomen'nasai..." Mirai dipped her head to the floor and was in a proper bow position.

Hiashi who stood in the room next to his wife showed signs of empathy for her chosen path. He liked her efforts and how hard to tried to find her origins and to master her skills as a shinobi.

"I truly don't blame you for all that had happened when our family went into a distressed state. The Yondaime of the village fought with the others to not have you assassinated as a rogue-nin. It's quite our fault as well if you weren't truly satisfied and the partial burden you had to carry when you have ripped away from your previous home." Hiashi spoke and had squeezed his eyes shut with guilt about the poor girl. Her eyes glimmered with slight sadness and thought that maybe it's time to move on.

"At least your safe, Hinata-hime on the other hand..." Kasu felt her eyes nearly weld up in tears as the door burst open.

"Hiashi-dono!" Raika along with Ginea burst through the door holding the five-year-old child's hand who was hold the urge to not cry.

"We caught her watching the Jinchuriki child once again." Ginea sighed and released her hold on her along with Raika.

Hinata ran into her Kaa-san's hold looking rather frightened of the maids that possibly scared her. Mirai couldn't sense what had happened, but seemly she had seen how scared the girl was.

"Oniisan wouldn't teach me how to awaken the Byakugan." She held onto Kasu tightly with her small arms around her neck.

"Neiji-chan isn't an appropriate solution to train. You'll be in the main branch's dojo. Besides... do you remember this certain someone?" Hiashi spoke, Kasu placing the child on her feet that ran towards the elder girl.

Mirai couldn't help but smile and held her arms open for the fragile girl. "Mirai-chi!" She gleefully chimes and embraced each other comfortably.

"S-She remembers me?" Mirai looked up with a shocked expression, her arms went around the little girl's slim body.

"Oneesan, you came back!" Hinata's smile didn't fault as if she was entirely happy with Mirai's presence.

"By the age of three, her memories stay with her. So your presence never left her as if you meant something more." Hiashi went over and picked up Hinata and carried her tired form, but still, she tried to squirm out of her father's hold. Kasu smiled kindly with a friendly aura surrounding her as well.

"I... I will come back if ANBU wasn't so strict with visiting and missions being chaotic so far." Mirai gave the family a slight bow in courtesy and their hospitality through the years anyhow.

Hiashi gave her a firm nod and placed Hinata back on the ground who ran towards her and hugged her from behind. Hinata's arms couldn't reach high enough so she practically hugged her legs.

"Please don't go Oneesan!" The tempted plea made Mirai rethink, but she patted the girl's head, "I'll come back soon." And within a mere second, she used her body flicker jutsu to teleport herself in front of ANBU HQ.

She rushed on her feet frantically and pushed past many other operatives. Itachi or Shisui wasn't around which was good?

"Isn't it my favourite rebellious teen?" Fūma cheered gleefully causing her to scowl remotely in her mind. The man isn't to be trusted what's so ever.

"Hmmm? Looking for a specific Uchiha? I think he's reconciling with an old friend... who was it again?" The man was trying to gain a reaction out of her. Mirai gave him a blank darkish expression trying to make him shut up.

" Ikuni? Izu...mei? Oh, Izumi!" He smiled and the only reaction he received was that her lips were slightly parted and she was about to speak.

"Fūma, leave now." The voice of Xanadu travelled through the darkroom. He chuckled and closed his eyes and smiled darkly; not a friendly gesture. 'Such evil that lies through these walls.'

"Are you alright? What did he do to you?" It wasn't a bad question but more of an order for her to speak. He was concerned and worried that such corrupt shinobi are within the organization.

"N-Nothing.. he just.. came and tried to make me upset that I-Itachi..." She swallowed thickly, her mind was in a frenzy by just thinking of him. Why would he suddenly be with Izumi when he looked severely attached to her? She was quite hurt and confused. Why would this tear at her heart? Her mind was spinning and her heart pounded more against her ribcage thinking of many possibilities.

"Weird... I thought Itachi was on a mission. Maybe he came back early, I wouldn't worry much about it." Xanadu ruffled with her hair playfully and left her standing there.

She sighed, Mirai couldn't feel jealously out of all the times. Maybe she needed to try and move on. She should look at the positives and hope he is at least doing well.

And lastly, avoid him to develop worse emotions. 'If he is happy then that is all that matters.'

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