No. 48: The Moon Device

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Mirai looked over to Urashiki and ran in front of him. "I will go in and retrieve it! You can stay out here on watch." She looked at him hoping he wouldn't question her command. Especially, she is commanding him to do things which is so unlike him to obey.

"I'll go with her too," Itachi still had a dark look in his eyes. Urashiki huffed, he didn't want to deal with them.

He turned around ignoring their gawking presence and he just wanted them to get it done their whatever way seems satisfactory. Still, he knew of the presence of the Tailed Beast. He had to confirm it a while back driving it away from its cave, he could immensely feel the chakra radiating miles out of its cavern.

"Kokuo...? Not a bad name for a strange beast Hagoromo-san created." Urashiki smirked from behind letting them rush in under unknown circumstances.

Moving forward with Mirai and Itachi who were more driven with their situation as to finding the Moon device quickly.

"He doesn't seem so... interested in the Tailed Beast. It's like he has no time here," Mirai looked up to face Itachi's solemn expression. He didn't respond and kept his pace forward ahead of her.

"Oi! Don't go off on a tangent—"

Itachi covered his hand over her mouth to silence her. "G-Get, ywour grubby hwands off mwuah face!" Mirai tried to resist against him but still, nothing was working.

"Stop trying to break free from my hold. You're causing a disruption in the haze." His breath creased the back of her neck as he said this. Itachi never once released her; it's quite dissatisfying how she has lack of faith in his abilities. He is renowned known for his abilities in almost every nation there is. The women have always been melting innerly in his presence.

"T-Then let go of me..." she felt his hand loosen enough so she could breathe a bit more. Still, she liked his touch that doesn't feel as if he was a part of some concoction dream.

"Activate your Kekkei Genkai and scout the area." He ordered her as this doesn't suit well in her that she's being ordered around so suddenly. Itachi waited for her to do so and Mirai looked away hating how his gaze kept lingering over her form.

"Why are you watching me like a hawk?" She vehemently hissed out trying to not disturb the beast that is lingering somewhere inside.

"So you won't run away again. I have some distinct lack of faith that you would. I know that you had no ill meanings of disappearing last time considering Lord Fourth was indirectly behind your abduction." Itachi shot back showing a bit of flash anger in his eyes.

"What makes you think I'll run away again? I don't need you to be my babysitter. I'm not going anywhere," Mirai was hiding his blush but he still caught slight crimson hue crossing her cheeks.

"You sure about that? I won't have a third attempt, Mirai-san... you know how much you mean to me." He whispered near her ears teasing her. Him being upfront about his emotions is such a rare sight. "Hmm... I wouldn't feel embarrassed by my words. You're remarkable and one of a kind." He smiled as he focused ahead activating his sharingan in case oncoming enemies were nearby.

"Again, flirting doesn't suit your persona. Try again with better comebacks than to stab me with meaningless words." Mirai spat pushing past him, but to her own avail, he caught her wrist making her body twist around landing a sloppy wet kiss on her lips in the dark. The only kind of affection he has been longing for was for her to be in his arms.

He didn't care for the device anymore since he had her once again. Mirai was resisting the urge to kiss back but suddenly gave into his warm embracing comfort. She was melting all over again as she kissed back lifting her arms over his shoulders. Itachi wanted more but he had this one mission to take care of. While his hands rested on her firm curvy hips that gave him an electrifying sensation. He liked the feeling of her body well pressed up against his own. Especially her bust was being pushed up against him. She was quite fragile and smaller than him. Itachi loved the feeling of being this close to the woman he would rather spend the rest of his life with. Their lips were moulded together moving in cinq. She was smiling into their shared kiss?

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