No. 32: Larashiki

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The weather has changed, many days passed before large purple wooden tall structures came in view. "This is the Arashigakure village, the silence means peace. So I wouldn't disturb that for their pathological respects they've already given us." Obito gave them a reminder while Kirasawa and Rin were busy admiring the designs and traditions the village had up just a bit aways. The dark ominous atmosphere the land gave off brought shivers down all of their spines. The night had fallen, the sound of lousy crickets was only heard as constant ringing to their ears. There was no thunderstorm, but the clouds had hunted hues of purple and blue covering the landscape up above. The silence was not only creepy but had a venomous feel to it. The ground felt watery as if a hurricane blasted through it not long ago.

Mirai's eyes caught several tornadoes in the distance dancing through the land. The clouds in the distance was engulfed in lightning; constant flashes through the sky. So this sort of concludes that they wouldn't get much sunlight out here residing in their territory.

The Samurai whom were present up ahead guarding the gate notice them approaching, and had all got into a stance. "Don't move!" one shouted pointing a spear known as a Yari. These Samurai of the Land of Storms were Sōjutsu users. Ikema and Ganmaru stepped forward ready to fight, however, Rin held her arm across them so they wouldn't move ahead.

"Don't do anything reckless, they can instantly wipe your blood on the ground if you oppose as a threat." Her soft warning made them shake violently from what they're capable of.

"Don't fret, we are here to speak with the Arashishogun with trade." Obito held his hands up to surrender.

The Samurai in their thick black and grey armour looked at each other and nodded to proceed to let them through. Ume made a huff sound as if she just wanted to leave and take care of the bandits as soon as possible. Mirai scrunched her nose up at her efforts.

"Leave. Or else you'll all die here." The Samurai didn't listen to their request to see their commander. Obito held a passive look while some of the others looked not pleased by their lack of respect.

"Would it help if that Kiriytō-sama had requested our presence in a formal meeting? And if you're the ones who turned us away... that wouldn't look too good professionally wise, don't you think?" Obito reasoned once again with a smile. The two samurai exchanged looks and whispers.

The one on the left did a head jerk motioning them to follow. Seems that Obito was great with his words.

As soon as they followed Mirai felt nervous and a tug at her chest tightened. The Arashi commander probably is busy of some sort.

"Ah isn't it some guests. Kenki, Uryuu why don't you treat them with more respect?" A man with white hair appeared, his eyes shimmer with white as his skin was practically the colour of the moon. Even his robe nearly matched the tone of his skin. Mirai wondered who he was, but kept her mouth shut. Obito has a scrutinize gaze on the man anyhow.

"O-Our apologies... L-Larashiki-sama." One of them convulsively shivered. Mirai couldn't help but widen her gaze on the long haired man who looked like he was in his forties. However, Mirai could guess possibly a few centuries.

"Kiriytō-san will be out of his meeting soon. Anything else you need?" Larashiki turned to the group with an awakening gaze that could make anyone shudder. What intrigued Mirai more is that Larashiki is referring to the Shogun of the land with such formalities. 'Who the hell is he even?!' A few more turns while they entered the largest building in the village, and possibly the prettiest decor around the structure and inside also.

His long hair would shimmer in the light as if the moon liked his locks. Obito and Rin held stun looks and shook their heads. Ume and Kirasawa stood back observing along with Ganmaru and Ikema with gazes that tell Larashiki that they were most likely afraid of him.

"I'll be on my way then. The commander is present two doors down and the one on the right." The man deeply chuckles and lastly shared a cold smirk in Mirai's direction. Mirai felt her gut churn by just how much she was afraid of this man. This was him... the Daimyo of the Land of Snow told her of the name. And here she was... being scared like a little girl she was. She shook her head and growled. She was fifteen years old, Mirai didn't want to feel weak or vulnerable. She looked up again and he was gone; the others were already down the hall and had already entered inside the room. She was too distracted to have gone with them.

She wandered down the halls admiring the paintings and the wooden designs embedded in the walls. It was quite fascinating to her.

"You like the art?" A strong overpowering voice made her skin jump. She gasped and saw that it was the man Larashiki holding his hands behind his back and gazing down at her.

She didn't know why she felt scared of him and soon regretted coming here after all. She doubted this man would give her information and let her live or walk free. His sudden aura would say otherwise.

"The paintings are centuries old if you'd say. The first Samurai war caused destruction and obliteration to this nation and nearby countries. Many mercenaries had come to steal the magnificent art to make fortune off of it. However, many underestimated the Samurai of this nation. So I think you get the story, Mirai-chan?" The man widely smirked at the girl. She was a few inches shorter than him considering she was fifteen and was five feet and four inches. She was a bit shorter than Itachi who was five feet and seven inches.

Mirai trembled in his place while her back hit the wall. The man had white eyes like hers, but she can tell that Larashiki is giving her a deathly stare.

"H-How do you know m-my name?" and that was the moment she wished someone would come out and save her. She knew that no one would help her and come to her sudden rescue. It was useless because of how loud the rain was smacking down outside with sudden loud thunder noises erupting outside.

"Hmm? You frankly don't resemble much of Hanako-san. Or perhaps you took more characteristics of Yoshiki-Ojisama." Larashiki leaned forward observing the girl's features and saw how fragile she looked.

"Hmm... your cousins would be delighted to see you alive after all these years the lost princess has been found." A bright smile formed on his lips causing immense confusion in the girl's head.

"W-What are you talking about?" Mirai tried to act less terrified than she was.

"Hanako-san and Yoshiki-san are your actual parents. Your mother died during child labour while your father resented you for the loss of your mother and gave you to the humans. He chose isolation which had weakened his mind for the past decade and died around four years ago. His memories were enclosing while his heart never healed emotionally from the devastation of his wife and lastly his only child he left in the care of others." Larashiki laughed nearly sadistically and was about to grab her, but a harsh glare caught his attention.

"Leave. Now!" Rin came through the hallway furiously ready to fight with all means.


"Mirai, don't involve yourself. He's dangerous and I've seen it the moment I saw him." Rin spat with venom not once amused by the smirking man who began to walk away.

"Mirai-chan, if you change your mind about returning home. You know that you're always welcomed back." He closed his eyes and smiled before disappearing once again.

She was too shocked and shaking vigorously. She was close enough to shouting out or grabbing something to stab herself with. She couldn't leave everything behind to meet her real family who left her behind. She loathed them more than the Leaf for destroying the village Taka. She couldn't resent anything more than that man Larashiki and possibly his poss who she wondered if he was affiliated with more goons like him.

"Let's report to the Shogun, shall we?" Rin pulled the girl's hand and had her trudge behind still shaking and scared mentally.

She didn't know if her fate was coming or if she will have to leave everything else once again and especially the ones she loves.

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