No. 47: Annoyances

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A/N: uploading the last few chapters and completing this book. Book 2 may be published but unsure.


Barely a few days had gone by and Mirai couldn't sleep, relax or be distressed by any means. Itachi had been awake as well with his Sharingan active constantly in case Urashiki was planning to kill them.

"You're awfully quiet," Mirai whispered near his ears sending shivers down his spine from the touch of her breath. He missed being with her but had kept his hands to his sides.

"We're close to the dark forest finally," Urashiki called up ahead with a huge smirk engraving his features. This outta be interesting now.

Mirai couldn't sense anyone nearby. The dead black ominous forest that illuminated the scenery spooked the hell out of Mirai. She shuddered and looked up to Itachi's impassive expression. He didn't say anything but kept his eyes forward and into Urashiki.

"Mirai-san, activate your Tenseigan and see if you can scope out the device. We don't want to get caught up in a genjutsu if we waltz into here, do we?" Urashiki was smirking deviously which was making Itachi scowl deeply. He despised this man not once trusting him at all. If it wasn't for Mirai, Itachi would have had the man tied up in a genjutsu tortured for a thousand years.

He faintly smirked thinking what Tsukuyomi was capable of. He certainly would love to test it on this disdained vulgar being.

"Hai," she closed her eyes and opened them awakening her blue irises that showed as an eerie vibrant glow in the dark atmosphere.

"Do you sense it?" Itachi quickly asked before Urashiki had an opportunity to question the poor girl. "N-No— I don't sense it at all. What am I supposed to sense?" Mirai deactivates her eyes rubbing her temple from the temporary use.

Urashiki sighed, he didn't want to deal with such a nuisance. "Let's just venture inside and Mirai, keep your Dōjutsu activated," Urashiki ordered her making the girl look down with a slight nod. Itachi seethed again at the elder Ōtsutuski clan member. He definitely did not like him one bit. However, Mirai was giving him a look to calm down; he was showing his emotions on this personal mission.



"The atmosphere sure changed recently." Minato looked out of the window seeing the horizon colouring itself in orange hues with a little bit of pink.

"It seems that the calmness has slowly begun to uprise suddenly. This doesn't explain much of the missive recently from the Hidden Mist of the Fourth Mizukage being killed? Would war break out soon, Lord Fourth?" Tsunade looked outside appalled with the sudden drastic changes happening.

"Let's hope not. I don't want to believe the rumours are true that Mirai's clan has come to take back what's rightfully belongs to them. Itachi has just sent a missive on his long journey. He's... holding up it seems." Minato didn't want to tell her that Mirai has also been reunited with him at last. He wanted to make up his horrible decisions for her once she returns.

"Aye, aye. What about Orochimaru? He's not fond of humans lurking around his hideouts?" Tsunade questioned him, it wasn't as Orochimaru wasn't evil per-say. He's more inclusive and isolated from Konoha.

"He's entirely fine as of now. He's nowhere located near the Shikkotsu forest." The Yondaime crossed his arms over his chest pondering of what to do. Naruto is becoming strong along with Sasuke, he certainly doesn't want Naruto to grow up in a war that could be prevented.

"We should do at all costs to not have a repeat of the Second World War. The Hidden Mist Village is blaming others for the death of their leader. I'll handle this..." Minato dismisses Tsunade who wasn't satisfied with his decisions. He always was kind and respected. No wonder he wants to burden this on his shoulders. She couldn't do much either but to sit back and do what is needed.

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