No. 3: Academy Troubles

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Mirai arrived at their main training ground and was trying to focus and climb the tree in front of her but fell going up five steps. Mirai felt slight shame but no one was around, right?

She had grabbed a kunai on the rack and started to mark her pace against the tree. She stayed silent and was about to run up but a voice sliced through the air stopping her.

"You should be calm and mindful. Focus your chakra to your feet." It was a different unfamiliar tone.

She turned around and saw a slightly taller figure who looks around the age of twelve or so. Mirai sucked in a breath of air and glared at the boy with brown hair and the same exact eyes.

"And I would use a different posture. Have one foot forward and straighten your back and bend your other leg slightly." The boy says as if he was being helpful. She looked at him again and looked away.

"Oh and I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Tenshi. Hyūga Tenshi," He grinned politely while Mirai couldn't really see what he was trying to do or accomplish.

"I'm Mirai." She said with a weak tone barely audible as she resumes to her practice. She got up the tree much higher and was able to hold her chakra a bit better before flipping back down. She panted lightly and Tenshi raised one brow as he tilted his head observing her.

"Much better. Just try to maintain your chakra to your feet. Do not lose balance and lastly, keep your mind aware." He said and had demonstrated by walking up the tree with ease. Mirai nodded and grinned as she tried again and had mastered it better and stayed there in place longer.

"Hmm, it seems that you are a pure Hyūga if you mastered it in a few tries." Tenshi activated his Byakugan where his veins popped out visibly. Mirai took a severe interest in the ability and really wanted to awaken hers. However, she doesn't know how to ask..

"Strange, your chakra is a light blue-ish green. That doesn't look good at all." Tenshi approached the girl as he deactivated his Byakugan. Mirai didn't understand what he meant.. her chakra isn't normal? Seems pretty strange then.

"Well very light blue, almost close to like a green colour. Seems odd. What else did you come here for?" Tenshi walked around her with his hands tied behind his back. His long hair was tied back while Mirai gulped drastically with nervousness.

"S-Shuriken throwing.." she merely whispered and Tenshi shook his head and grabbed the weapon she was holding. "This is a kunai, not a shuriken."

Mirai deadpanned with an annoyed look. "I know that. I was going to practice throwing one."

She felt embarrassed.. of course, she knows since her father had a few of each. "Well then, throw it." He handed the kunai back whereas Mirai looked too lost to even know what is the proper technique to throw it.

"Well... you have to have the correct positioning anyways."

He started to position her body as usual and she felt relieved he was taking some time to help her. "You should always pull your arm back and release chakra to your palm and throw," Tenshi says and she smiled with a bit of confidence welling up inside of her.

She mimicked what he showed her she with just that the kunai flew a little wonky, but landed near the bullseye. "Hmmm, a bit close. Seems like your mind was a bit hazy during your last step. Trust me, it's really easy when you awaken your Byakugan."

Mirai looked down and thought of her mistakes and grabbed another kunai, Tenshi stood back a bit as she jolted forward pushing chakra to her palm and releasing energy to her smooth throw. This time does land in the centre.

"H-How..." her eyes twitched. She wondered just how she can learn so quickly. However, next would be shurikens and learning the technique for that anyway. "Impressive. I haven't seen anyone who could have learned so fast unlike you. You seem very silent and possibly a good future assassin." Tenshi chuckled before walking back.

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