No. 4: Conflicting the Mind

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Mirai age 7 || Itachi age 7


Viratsuki found Mirai in her room laying on her bed sprawled across the sheets, and handed her a few change of clothes such as a pretty white yukata to wear. Her hair was up properly in a ponytail with loose strands of white snow hair that fell in front. The two had their small breakfast and chatted for an hour.

"Wow! Let's go eat out tonight. I hear dango here is amazing." Vira-san clasps her hands together and trudged the small girl along and further away from the compound. Some nervous aspects burned inside her, she didn't want to be seen by her classmates for sure.

"Well, you can pick if you don't want dango." Vira glanced down to see Mirai shake her head.

"No, it's fine. I want to try it." Mirai softly gave off a warm aura for once. She felt the need for fresh air anyways. And to train the next day would enlighten her about the day before.

"I have been meaning to ask..." Mirai went off track as she doesn't know how to place her words properly.

"Ooh! Is that the Uchiha kid in your class?" Viratsuki changed the subject causing Mirai to not even turn around and look annoyed. She wanted the night to be for her and yet, he had to show up.

She whipped her head back and saw him staring at her briefly, but began to walk away with his mother who seemed to be carrying a small bundled up infant in her arms.

"I can tell the girls in your class would die for his attention. It does bring me back to my academy days..." Viratsuki was smiling as she remembered her fun times.

Mirai wanted to leave and to never see him again anyways. However, she stood in her place staring him. He was quite stunning in his normal clothing. A blue yukata and black pants. His hair was down to his shoulder length and surprisingly wasn't tied back like usual.

She found herself somewhat observing him and was about to leave, but Viratsuki had other plans. "Let's go say hi!" She grabbed Mirai's hand with a rough grip and pulled her along toward Itachi's direction. His mother seems to be pleased to see someone approaching them.

Mirai saw that they were sat down inside the sushi bar inside eating.

Her mind nearly ached as she didn't want to cause a scene and slap that smug look off his face. Her mother taught her that such acts would make things worse. Always face your demons or try to ignore them at all cost.

"Hi, you must be his mother! I'm Viratsuki; a maid of the Hyūga household. The girl I am looking after is named Mirai who is right here! She and your son are in the same class at the academy. We wanted to come over and greet ourselves!"

Mirai tried to hide her face as she hid behind Vira-san, but she knew she wouldn't be able to hold in her embarrassment. Itachi himself wasn't even fazed by the two nor really was trying to pay attention. His food seemed to be more entertaining than them. Mirai couldn't help but frown that he didn't take an interest. And then she immediately starts to shake her head at the arrogant Uchiha that kept appearing in her mind.

"Oh! My son has mentioned a new girl recently enrolled in his class. My, oh my you look lovely tonight, it must be a special occasion." Mikoto gently smiled peering down at Mirai. Itachi glanced over at the white-haired girl who was looking down. He knew she was rather different than the other girls who threw themselves at him constantly. He wondered why she was so shy and carefree. He did sort of try to gain information on her when she first appeared at the academy. But to his dismay, he found nothing which was quite odd. Only relevant lineage linked to her is possibly the Hyūga clan.

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