No. 19: The Shinobi Life

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It has been a few days since the fight between Ryugura. Mirai was in a coma but slowly twitched her body to move. Her eyes slid open to being welcomed by bright lights. She could barely move her arms or legs due to feeling weak all over. She felt herself heat up from what she placed herself in since the fight. She didn't dare to speak since she couldn't talk at all. Mirai was remotely mad at what she caused. She let the blade show itself when she wasn't supposed to.

"Ah! Mirai-san," the nurse called with shock spreading across her face. Mirai was in the bed barely able to move at all.

"I-I uh.. ev-en—" she coughed and leaned over to the side of her stomach that ached the most.

"Try not to speak. You aren't well enough to leave, maybe in a week or so and we'll see." The nurse gave her a reassuring look of sympathy and left her there. Mirai can feel her body lit up in flames. She was sore throughout her body.

Mirai just laid there not being able to move much. She couldn't believe that Ryugura won the match. Does that mean... 'she won't be a Chuunin now?'

Still, her body was in extraordinary pain from the fight. The blade could have absorbed too much of her current chakra and left her with almost nothing, or had tried to save her by healing her open wounds. Mirai has no idea what it is, her body felt like it was on flames still. The Murakame was such a strange weapon that many don't know of and know how to use. Including her which made her despise the feeling of its power.

"Ah, so you're awake." A familiar voice struck the room coolly. She swallows thickly and tried to sit up, but with the help of who she recognized as Shisui Uchiha.

"Mirai-san, you shouldn't be moving so much in your current state. I hope you're feeling a bit better from the nurses treatment. Now onto the main thing I came here for. The Hokage had decided that if you feel ready, the promotion stands in your regard. I am sorry about what had happened out there. You'll face tougher opponents from now on and you'll need to train harder." Shisui touched her cheek lightly and left in a blink of an eye. 'I wish I could apologize for my behaviours... if only I could speak.'

She still sat there in the bed calming her nerves. Mirai couldn't think of the pain as it'll cause more strain upon her body. As she was about to turn over a knock broke her out of her thoughts.

"C-Come in..." her voice was weak as the doorknob jingled. And to her surprise, it was Itachi that came to see her. She was speechless basically.

"I saw Shisui come down the hallway. So I came to see if you were alright." He looked at her form that she covered tightly with the sheets. It looked like he was stripping her with his eyes which wasn't the case. He was examining her carefully.

He realized this and blinked. "You should have listened before. Still, I'm impressed with the results." This kid was already beginning to irritate her. If she wasn't in such a bad state from the stabbings. She would have thrown the vase at his head to get him to leave.

"W-What d-did you r-really come h-here f-for...?" her tone was weak and faltering. Itachi hated to hear her voice so quiet like this.

"To say, congratulations for becoming a Chuunin. Once you're free, Lord Fourth will see to your presence when you return to the Leaf. Shisui was ordered to stay back here in Suna, I must return since I have things to take care of back at the Leaf." Itachi grinned and left excused himself to leave so that she can rest a bit. 'He seems more fake by day... what has hit his head?' Her body still aches and was exhausted.


"Ah, Tenzo-san. I see you haven't tried to obtain the weapon at all. I have another plan instead that is more proficient, I think the Leaf will cripple if further threats occur. I want the girl within our ranks as a ROOT member." Danzō slyly smirks and turned away. The tapping of his cane echoed throughout the mysterious hallways is making it easy to hear his heartbeat in an enclosed environment. Only darkness is how he would perceive it as.

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