No. 28: Mission Success

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Yui in the picture!! And no she isn't from the Haruno bloodline or Uzumaki/Namikaze because of her hair.


The run back to the boat took less than thirty minutes to gather their things real quick and hopping inside. Did Danzō plan them to kill the Daimyo basically of the Land of Snow? It would be way too far fetched of a mission... however, everything was a lie and Mirai knew that and so did the others.

Not much happened as they all made their way back to the Hidden Leaf since they had to hurry. It took less than four days at their pace. Mirai was trying to catch up, but without using her chakra... she felt too easily tired. Even Itachi was tempted to carry her back, but he saw that she was trying her best. He smiled calmly before they entered their home village.

"Mirai-chi!" The voice of Yui sliced through the air as she jumped on her and gave her a bear hug. Her long pink hair cascaded down her shoulders. Yui did have a lip ring she occasionally would have in. Which today she didn't, her pink eyes showed happiness seeing Mirai back from her mission.

"You act like I'm going to get killed easily! I'm fine Yui-chan." Mirai hugged the girl back and laughed, Itachi and Shisui saw the two girls act giddily. Xanadu shrugged and then left to report to Danzō which Itachi and Shisui knew that Danzō would want to see them shortly to hear the same report.

"I need to worry in hopes you'll be okay! Besides, I am starting to like the village." Yui glint-fully half smiled and grabbed her hand to pull her along somewhere. Mirai looked back to see Itachi waving at her laughing lightly.

Mirai blushes lightly seeing him in a happy mood. She couldn't help but think about how much she wanted to spend some time with him. She hated the Anbu and can't wait to abolish them from the Leaf's ranks. If she can accomplish that goal at all... she doesn't know if she would be able to do it. Danzō is a terrible man and a deceiver.

"Yui-san where are we going?" Mirai questioned solemnly and still, the girl looked dazed with her pinkish eyes showing happiness. Mirai was happy for her at least.

"Let's eat some dango, we haven't had any since we came here. Besides we have to catch up more," she pulled her up to the dango stand and both of them sat at the high table on two stools.

"Hello! What can I get you, two lovely ladies?" An older woman in her fifties asked from over the counter.

"Two pairs of Dango each!" Yui says and turns to Mirai who smiled at her. Yui was very kind which Mirai liked.

When the waitress gave them their orders and left, Yui turned to Mirai with the brightest smile she has ever seen. "I don't like what you're thinking.." Mirai felt nervous looking at Yui.

"Oh, it's nothing! I want to know the details," Yui observed Mirai's eyes looking for any hints as to what she was thinking.

"W-What details?" Mirai was indeed confused and had no idea what her friend was talking about.

"Oh, you and a certain somebody~" Yui cooed closely into her ear making the poor girl shiver at the thought.

"Oh no! We are friends I swear. Umm..." Mirai had her face heat up bright red flushing at the thought of her and Itachi.

"Ya right!" Yui was laughing which had Mirai covering her face in shame. She liked him and felt embarrassed even more at the fact.

"It's fine, Mirai-san. You sure are shy, aren't you? You'd think Danzō would rip that away don't you?" Yui's voice rung in her head. 'Danzō?'

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