No. 30: Confession

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Mirai || age 15 | Itachi || age 16


"Mirai-san, why do you want to leave to meet this person in the Land of Storms? I want to hear more about this?" Minato paced around the room barely meeting her gaze.

She didn't want to leave against his wishes if he declined her request. She would move on for such reasons.

"When Danzō assigned a mission that I assigned to go on, the feudal lord himself of the Land of Snow told me about this strange person who resides there. Someone possibly from the same place I came from. And you know I'm not referring to Taka village. Their name is Larashiki, I would assume you most likely not know him. It would be nice to meet someone possibly of the same clan. Or someone who holds knowledge of the Ōtsutsuki clan." She bowed low and tried not to think much of his decision.

"I would rather not see you run off if I say absolutely not. However, I don't think you going alone is possible due to the dangers out there in the real world as of today. I'll assign a few guards to accompany this low D rank mission. And maybe the travel is what you need to clear your mind perhaps." Minato smiled gently and waved the girl off with a swat of his hand.


Many months flew by as the seasons changed. The gardens began to bloom to their gorgeous state of wondrous scents, colourful scenes that lit up any place and high seasons for most workplaces that require consumers to purchase fruits, vegetables, and beautiful flowers to give to people who you care for and appreciate.

Mirai just briefly turned fifteen and was still living at HQ. She never asked much, nor require much. Her heartfelt was strained by the number of times she witnessed Itachi-kun she considered more than a friend with Izumi. 'Maybe I should get a suicide mission.'

She sat alone on a clifftop looking over the dimly lit village in its beautiful state. The lights were dancing all over the village her head lowered as her thoughts felt tranquil. "May I sit?" A familiar voice broke her silence. She glanced over her shoulder to see Itachi smiling.

She didn't say anything and looked back. Her arm draped over her knee on the cliffside absorbing in the fresh air around her. The tension was indeed filled with silence and tension. She didn't expect him to be around. She heard him sigh and sat a bit away from her.

She could feel him try to observe her a bit. He was rather tall now, and most likely stopped growing and still, he had his hair in a low ponytail and a calm expression. He's not a child anymore nor a kid. He's his own self with plenty of responsibilities.

"Why have you been avoiding me? It's not like you to feel so nervous in my presence." Itachi tried to bring out a conversation. Still, the girl looked at him; her eyes being sucked in by his black orbs.

"I wish I can say. Maybe it's for the best if we don't talk to one or another unless we are placed on a team for a mission." She was about to stand but he swiftly grabbed her arm causing the girl to flinch at his touch. 'It's been so long since he touched her.'

"Gomen... please Mirai-san, tell me what's bothering you. I can try to help," his grip softened and she missed him being so close, she missed him around and she longed for him to hold her. She resisted it all and turned away.

"Do you wish to marry someday?" her question struck him suddenly. He was confused by her sudden change in their subject.

"I suppose, I do. Why do you ask?" He gave her a bewildered expression. She knew how he was playing and not exactly sure what to say.

"Would that person perhaps be Izumi? Or are you going to lie to me?" She ripped her hand away from his and stepped back not looking at him.

"She is someone close, yes. Maybe I would marry her. What about you and Xanadu? Seems like he has grown an attachment to you." He's towing with her and she snarled at his response. 'Can't he just admit he wants to be with her?! She's perfect as a choice and Fugaku seems to like her.'

"God, you're ridiculous and useless sometimes. Leave me alone!" she couldn't hold her anger back at his response. She began to walk away, but his movements caught her in no time.

"I wish you'd understand than assume things. I am really fond of you, Mirai-san. Well more than what you think, you've been the one pushing me away and stopped talking to me in the last four months. I wish you would stop thinking about how Izumi and I will end up together because it's never been like that. We are good friends, perhaps, maybe I always had eyes on someone else." He didn't feel nervous as he admitted his feelings. And she felt his voice slightly cracked.

"I-Itachi-san..." she closed her eyes and tried hard to not feel her hot tears brim the corners of her eyes. She couldn't show her emotions now in front of him. She never felt like she deserved a man like him. Someone loyal to his own village, to his own clan when he needed to be. And to his comrades which is a bonus as well. He thinks of others who are close as family and perhaps he thought of her as such.

"I know that the ANBU isn't a place you should be apart in. Please... Mirai-san, this burning feeling I carry never gets better when you're away or how I sleep at night... I-I should stop talking." He pursued his lips and stepped back, but Mirai had wanted to hear more than he could anticipate the feeling.

She jumped at him and wrapped her arms around his waist which almost surprised him. The comfort he received from her swelled his heart. She was almost tall enough to bury her face in the crook of his neck. Mirai was shocked by her body's actions. She loathed— no hates Anbu operatives who tore at her with assumptions. If Itachi was happy with her at least, she wanted to grow stronger and feel worthy.


He couldn't help it from her sweet tone. He leaned forward catching her soft lips with his. His one hand cupped her right side of her cheek; their lips moved in sync and almost intensified, he licked her bottom lip for entrance which she obeyed and moaned as their tongues danced. Even the stars in the sky shimmered upon them. The moment was everlasting once they pulled apart for air. Still, he felt extremely inexperienced to pleasure her at all with anything. Well, more of heart swellings and passionate moments. He felt that he failed to give anything.

All he managed to do was pull her close protectively. And instead rested his head in the crook of her neck smelling her scent that filled his nostrils.

"I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable with my actions. Please forgive me," Itachi pulled away and was about to swiftly activate his flicker no body Jutsu. He felt ashamed and embarrassed by his actions.

"Itachi, wait!"

Her voice cracked which made his heart give him a pinging feeling. His whole body shook and flinched. It was as if she was in pain; he felt her pain as well.

He clenched his hands and dared not to turn around but his body slightly turned. "P-Please don't leave." She begged him and still, he regretted his next decision and teleported out of the area leaving her flustered, feeling utterly lonely and melancholically sad.

"Itachi... why? Why are you always doing this to me?" Her pain wouldn't leave her mind nor spirit; it stayed attached not leaving her one bit.

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