No. 16: Suspicious Activities

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"Oi! Why the hell do we have to find a lost stuffed animal? What kind of D-Rank mission is this?!" Ikema squabbled berating his other comrades.

Mirai shrugged her shoulders back looking up at the pale-blue sky seeing no clouds hovering above them. It was a scorching hot day... speaking of which, she had an idea what to do with such a low ranking mission.

"So... according to the databooks, this stuffed-animal was stolen." Mirai fell silent not questioning what the stuffed bear was even. Apparently, it held some sentimental value to someone who requested this mission.

"Gahh, couldn't Obito-sensei given us a better mission? Perhaps one that requires lots of fighting and kicking ass?" Ikema looked frustrated as his face contorted. Mirai gave Ganmaru a look indicating he must deal with such a boisterous comrade.

"You two will scout the eastern part of the village just to make sure. I think... I might have a few ideas on the north side." Mirai wanted them to not question her motives considering she sensed something off earlier back at the Hyuga compound.

"Ja ne~ Mirai-san is always onto something. Let's go," Ganmaru took a hold of Ikema's arm who wanted to have a better mission but didn't question further.

Mirai smiled calmly before jetting off towards her home. She swore that there was an odd feeling lurking in the air. 'Just what is this stuffed animal? Is there something that meets the eye?' her eyes darted across the training fields upon Tenshi who was training on a typical morning with his rotation with a small kid around Hinata's age.

"Mirai-san?" he caught her eyes which made her head turn away from the two. "I-uh... I didn't mean to intrude nonetheless with your training," Mirai was flushed furiously stepping back. "Nonsense! This is my cousin Neji anyways, what brings you here?" Tenshi had set aside his weapons gazing at the young girl who saw the young boy bow respectively. She looked a bit shocked seeing the boy train so hard.

"Sorry, I-uh... was given a small task by the council, It's nice meeting you Neji-chan. I will see you around Tenshi!" she turned around waving off at them once again. Mirai couldn't pinpoint the strange feeling. There were way too many distractions around her and of course... a small pink-haired girl picking flowers screaming at a blonde-haired girl caught her attention.

"Gimme back the bear!" The blonde screamed making the other small girl yell out 'NO!' and constantly fight. She saw how they were too adorable to get incredibly mad at them.

"I found it! Finders keepers, now I h-hope Sasuke-kun likes this bear all pwetty." The pinkette smiled enthusiastically. "Nuh-uh! I will be the one giving it to him!" Such young rivalry love. She wondered who the special boy was personally. That reminded her of the academy days where girls tried to impress Itachi by giving him gifts.

'How on earth could they have found?' Then Mirai's visions blurred laterally seeing that the bear wasn't what she thought it could be. There was something surrounding it? Just as she was close to approaching the two little girls fighting, she felt an awfully familiar presence approaching her.

"Mirai-san," a voice struck her from behind making the girl jerk her head back. "The hell do you want, prodigy?" she sneered, but still he had a smirk plastered on his face. "Hmm... nothing in particular. It seems that my presence still bothers you, maybe we should work on that so you don't feel so hostile towards me." His concoction smile struck her as a fake way of saying 'I want you to like me like everyone who worships me...' does he seriously think that this would work?

"Don't you have better things to do such as A-Rank missions or following Shisui around like a dog? Beat it," Mirai waved her hand to shoo him away. He took that as a sign to step closer to her making the girl snarl more at him. His smile was so genuine even that made her stop and take a closer look at him.

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