Epilogue No. 50: Silent Treatment

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"I love you, I must have realized this a long time ago while afraid of telling you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I-Itachi... I'd be honoured to be your girlfriend." Mirai pulled him close which now his hands were on either side of her waist. Her hands wrapped around his for comfort. He gazed up at her blushing lightly and now this took Mirai by surprise a little bit.

"Did I make you blush? The almighty Uchiha prodigy blushing at my touch?" and now his girlfriend was teasing him. Something he will have to get used to from now on. He wanted to let her have it her way or else his sarcasm would be the death of him– by her.

"It's fine! Can I... kiss you?" Mirai asked and there was no need to ask for this one. Itachi leaned down placing his chastised lips on her sweet vanilla scented lips.

His tongue licked over top of her bottom lip for entrance. She obliged letting him explore her mouth more. And oh wait– they are in a hospital room. Itachi liked the feeling of her underneath him even though he stood beside the bed. Her soft moans were angelic remedies to his ears. He parted not wanting to continue in their situation one bit.

"Awww..." Mirai pouted as Itachi chuckled relentlessly.

"And to be fair, I still love you." She sat up to peck him on the lips by surprise.

"I know, your emotions tell me things." He winked at him making the girl frown. Of course, he's a damn Uchiha.

"When do I get out of here again?" Mirai was feeling better; a lot better actually. Itachi smiled holding her hand in his affectionately standing up.

"You need to heal, Mirai-san... but I can discharge you if you were to... come home with me." Itachi looked down sharply inhaling still holding her hand in his.

"Oh Kami, please! I don't want to be here any longer." Her pleading sent a weird sensation down his back. He smirked, "that means you'll have to be looked after by my family since you're being released early." Itachi's thumb caressed her hand before releasing her.

"O-Okay, I'll be fine with that if your family doesn't mind." Mirai looked down at her lap twiddling her thumbs and fiddling with her gown clothing. She was nervous to meet his father. However, he didn't want to say anything more and left the room to fill out the paperwork to get her to leave.


"So Urashiki has in fact betrayed this faction. How am I not surprised?" The voice of Momoshiki was slick and sarcastic. He looked to his right to see Kinshiki and Toroshika with him at least.

"We received word that Larashiki will begin his infiltration on the Leaf village demanding the traitor and to kill the side branch girl. Now Fūkkatsu-sama will be pleased with our results at last. And we will have the moon device to reach that horrid dimension. Find the location of Remira-san and report back to me." Momoshiki this time ordered Toroshika as Kinshiki is more of his bodyguard.

"Hai," and she left quickly.

"We need to find that device and the Devine tree Kaguya left behind. I can feel the immortality soar through my veins already." Momoshiki's eyes latched onto Kinshiki who nodded promptly.

This shall be interesting.


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