No. 12: The Second Exam [Part 1]

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~<>~<>~<>~<>~<> [Part 2]

The mission to the Hidden Steam Village took no more than two days with a few stops. Itachi had been awake for the longest while Mirai, Raika and Gyōki were taking turns on watch. He didn't trust anyone other than Mirai, so he has been keeping a close eye out on the other two. 'Suspected perpetrators...' and Mirai has no idea.

"Raika and Gyōki will take the northern wall to infiltrate. Mirai and I will go east to obtain the sealing scroll. Don't disappoint me." Itachi grabbed a hold of Mirai's hand pulling her away quickly as possible.

"Don't be so rough! Let go of me—" Mirai's shouting was muffled by Itachi's hand hovering over her mouth and his face close to hers.

"Shut up. You'll end up dead like them." Itachi growled in her ear pulling away.

"What do you mean? Stop spouting nonsense, Uchiha." Mirai hissed at him leaning against a tree near the eastern wall of the Hidden Steam Village.

Itachi softened his gaze and held an amusing smirk on the girl. Something that nearly shocked Mirai to an extent actually.

"You have better sensing abilities than myself, and yet you still can't figure it all out." Itachi tried to hide his laugh but looked ahead seeing if he could sense any danger.

"I can only sense the chakra of others. Not their motives like your Sharingan can predict easily." Mirai huffed exaggerating her remark.

"So in another sense, you couldn't sense the dysregulation in Gyōki's chakra? Seems to me you barely... hmm care? Taken notice? Says the one who wants to protect—"

"Kami! Shut up already I get it smartass." Mirai stomped her foot on the ground angrily and before she could lay a punch on Itachi, he grabbed her waist pulling her down with him in the bushes.

Several shinobi were scouting the area for them. Mirai couldn't help but try to squirm a little bit away from Itachi. Still, he was practically on top of her holding her down close to him; his chest was pressed up against her back.

"Shh. They'll hear us." Itachi whispered in her right ear.

"Doesn't give you the right to lay on top of me." She spat in an icily whispered tone.

"You like it, admit it." Itachi squeezed her waist readily.

"I didn't take that you're such a flirt. We are young kids, stop your antics. I liked it better when you're more of an ass." She whispered trying to place herself in a better comfortable position.

"Flirting? Barely. More like two acquaintances getting comfortable with one and another." Itachi smirked leaning his head against her back hoping the shinobi had passed by.

"Same thing." Mirai sneered her head pushing him off of her. "God you're so heavy," Mirai growled.

"And you're very bad at infiltrating. They almost saw us." Itachi sent his remark back causing her to groan in response.

As the two began to finally go over the wall knocking out the guards in the process. "I'll get the scroll. Distract them for me." Itachi shot her a harsh look knowing she has to fend off on her own without him around for a short time.

"Go! I'll take care of it. Stop stalling Uchiha."

Mirai began to use her wind style to mobilize the shinobi that tried to use Suiton no Jutsu and Katon no Jutsu at her.

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