No. 22: Danzō's Plan

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The battle between Kakashi and Mirai was intense and not how she predicted things to suddenly happen. Kakashi kept his aims precise and strong at her. She couldn't land a blow at him without Kakashi already taking the upper hand with everything she had.

Mirai kept her dodges slow-moving as she tried to keep up with Kakashi who is experienced with weapon throwing. If one landing failed or if her twists weren't correct, she would have been hit by now. She was sluggishly jumping everywhere from the amount of shuriken aimed at her.

"They declared you were dead, Mirai-san. How could you do this to the Hyūgas that took you in?" Kakashi was nearly furious and had sprinted towards her ready to use his katana, by all means, this time. However, Danzō held his arm out to make him fall back.

"I think she will more likely be glad to fight me, isn't that right?" Danzō smiled and Mirai knew he was doing that to taunt her. She scowled at his attempt to get her all riled up.

Her frontal attack caused a wind ripple around them. The force blew them back several yards and her impact wasn't effective on Danzō.

Mirai immediately summoned her sword that she really wished she didn't have to. Now she was ready to activate some of its power before launching a full head-on attack.

"I'll have you dead before no time!" her speed was gradually faster than what the ANBU Root leader had recalled.

"Fūton: Shinkūjin!" Danzō exhaled a large amount of wind-infused chakra onto a kunai; he has to excel the strength of the sword Mirai was wielding. The light green coloured chakra he channelled into his weapon collided against Mirai's katana. Danzō reached up to activate his right eye prowess but was immediately pulled back by an immense force due to Mirai's chakra. And he knew she couldn't last in that form much longer.

"So as I expected of your eye prowess. I knew you would come back in no time. With your extraordinary rare chakra, you would be a great asset. I'll force you to join ROOT by all means." His words dripped sourly with a tone of authority. Mirai couldn't hold back her immediate eye colour change due to her anger. Her white eyes activated with blue and white irises in the centre that outglowed the room as if they were lights. However, she didn't have a chakra cloak on to shield herself. Mirai can't control her chakra at all and in no time, her chakra will deplete her strength and will make her fall unconscious if she doesn't control herself.

Mirai held one hand up to cover her right eye in embarrassment seeing how far the short fight came to. "You won't get anything from me." Mirai seethed with anger that she knew this was it if she came in contact with him.

She stepped back and glanced overseeing Kakashi leaned over a rail along with three other ANBU with masks on observing the fight.

As she turned her head back, the last she saw was Danzō not even a few inches away thrusting his palm out and was about to place a self-curse on her. Mirai didn't attempt to dodge the attack, she closed her eyes instead as his palm collided into her abdomen causing immense pain to course through her body.  She screamed vehemently as she flew back several feet landing on her knees. The pain was horrendous to say.

She felt the ominous chakra take place settling boundaries in her body. She was locked into place with no control of her body whatsoever.

She couldn't speak but glare at him as the black markings wept over her body keeping her paralyzed. There wasn't a thing she could do. Mirai wanted to tell him to kill her now and be done with it. She was trapped with her own body as her mind screamed for someone to kill her.

Likewise, Danzō walked towards her and gave her a fake smiled. She tried to channel her chakra to break the seal but her attempts were not great.

"You can not break the seal? Still quite discontented that you landed here after two years? You'll now obey my commands or word will reach the Leaf that you tried to harm the village. You can choose, Mirai-san. To be surveillance twenty-four-seven, or join ROOT." Danzō walked around her and notice how she wasn't moving, but smirking even. Odd? And then a chuckle escaped her thin lips as she struggled to move her head to see him. She can't move anyway, so why was Danzō curious?

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