No 34: Gomen'nasai

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"You're telling me you just left her with them?" Another man like them with long tied back ravishing grey-bluish hair in the lava sanctum scowled. His clothing was a little different as well, still, he had a white kariginu robe like the others and baggy pants. The man looked like he was about to tear the walls apart with his mere gaze. Even Larashiki was convinced he was about to meet his fate that night.

"Y-You see... uh ummm. We had a little trouble." Urashiki was still holding his red vibrant rod while scratching the back of his head. The awkward tension was causing the other man and woman who stood in the back to frown upon them.

"Fūkkatsu has ordered us to obtain the girl. Ten years on that planet is just about a thousand years in the Kaguya no Shiro dimension. It's been around twelve hundred years and we finally found her... all meddled up with vulgar humans." The man with a zig-zagged like pattern on his head snickered almost.

"Momoshiki... Toroshika... you don't mean to tell me.. that this girl is around twelve hundred years old? So she's an immortal like Kaguya...?" Larashiki looked surprised which wasn't a huge deal-breaker.

"She's not immortal you dimwit. Right now in this dimension, the time is rather fast in the shinobi world. A day here is like a week has gone by there. And if we were in the Kasūnagi dimension, an hour would be three years of the human world wasted. It's best to not bring her back to the place where she came from. It has wrought enough chaos in the past few centuries from Kaguya's absence, and has been abandoned for some time." Momoshiki growled at his comment and stood up letting his vail fall in front of his face while he glared down his clansmen.

"I'll send for Urashiki to capture her then. You two are dismissed. And oh— Toroshika, make sure these two make it back alive to the Honjō. At least don't leave any trace behind when you travel." Momoshiki held a rather amused tone while he looked back at the long-haired woman with dishevelled white hair. Her gown was a short yukata and had a grey obi that tied around her waist. Her eyes were white and seemly she had a lot of time thinking about what their conversation was.

She nodded once letting her hands fall down to her sides. "Hai... Momoshiki-sama, I will follow through with your task." She was extremely passive holding barely to any emotion to her tone or expression.

Larashiki rolled his eyes along with Urashiki. "Right. You get a babysitter in return for your lack of deception skills." Momoshiki turned away shooing them all out of the room at last having peace.

Such immature imbeciles.


Barely a few days had gone by while Mirai was still getting treated for her minor wounds. She was grateful for the Uchiha boy to come to her rescue. She felt relieved and had been spending time with him at least.

The Shogun didn't look so pleased to realize the man Larashiki was a spy who only wanted something and to manipulate others for his own gain. Mirai wasn't being fully honest and luckily, only Itachi could sense her dishonesty. The woman he cares deeply about wouldn't come forward and tell him what's troubling her.

She was alone in the room she was assigned accordingly. They all plan to leave back to the Leaf tomorrow at the very least. Ikema has been slowly recovering from the hard impact the two beings had done to her friends. Mirai didn't exactly want company, but she felt another presence linger in her room. Knowing who it was, her heart sped up while her face flushed in the dark.

"Ah!" And a gloved hand covered her mouth. Itachi sat at the end of her bed in his full ANBU gear. Still looked tall and handsome as ever to what Mirai would have thought. Her bottom lip trembled while the Uchiha looked away sadly.

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