No. 40: Battle Royal

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art by Miyuki on Pinterest.


"So Tenzo-san... our leader has been killed. What will happen now? There's no commander to give us orders." Tanuki Shigaraki snickered, it was unfortunate to see their leader's greatest downfall.

"I feel more..."


"Hn." Tenzo didn't know what to exactly feel. The walls were engraved of the many shinobi who died that was an ANBU member. These two, however, were one of the few who were in Root lead by Danzō Shimura.

"I'll kill that bitch. She doesn't deserve to live with this crime she committed. Our leader wanted to prosper the peace in this world to only be left in ruins." Tanuki grinned evilly leaving Tenzo tense at his words and the meaning of killing. He didn't want to kill, he didn't want to fight anymore. It was a new feeling he longed for and for that, he wouldn't allow such a thing to bring him back into misery.

Little did both of them know, Shisui and Kakashi have been listening in on their conversation the entire time. What will they do now?


"The council has decided to move you to Kusagakure for a short while. It's a decision that we decided that is best." Minato didn't want to look her in the eyes to see if she was horrified by the decision. However, she didn't give any emotions but simply nodded.

"I understand, Lord Fourth." Just as she bowed the door burst open revealing not only Kakashi but Shisui who barged in the room without knocking first. It's a common courtesy and yet these bafoons had to disrupt a conversation.

"Tanuki-san is planning something heavy in regards of Danzō's death. This baka here forced me to come here to negotiate something else. However, I don't think Mirai being sent away is a good thing. There are strange celestial beings looking to get a hold of her by all means." Shisui talked with his head hung low, while the two were panting heavily from all the running around. The two couldn't find Itachi anywhere which wasn't good.

"The remaining members who served Danzō as loyal servants will come after her by all means. So sending her away will result in an unsatisfying death. Danzō wanted to use her as a weapon, and has been since the moment he laid his focus on her. Mirai-san had no other choice but to fight. If I was there I would have fought alongside with her! So if you are gonna send her away, I'm going with her." Shisui barked making the Yondaime wince. Minato knew Shisui was right while Minato himself, would have done the same thing in her shoes.

"I don't think—"

"Please!" Both Shisui and Kakashi have set their heads low. Minato had to find a way to set the bar high with Mirai's life on the line. And he knew exactly what he needed to do, which won't suspect much. It'll send the girl plunging to darkness if it meant that the elders wouldn't harm the village with their sneaky tactics.

"Leave both of you. I need to speak to her alone, thank you." Minato sent a harsh menacing glare at the two. And a threatening tip if they eavesdrop it won't end well for them either. Shisui looked at Kakashi and slowly left silently holding in their anger.

"I don't sense them. Now, I must request something that you need to do. It may clear your name over time. However, being in the village won't guarantee your safety." Minato clasps his hands together entangling them over the table desk. Mirai on the other hand, held her arms behind her back looking lost and powerless as it is.

"Yes, I understand? What is it?" she didn't want to admit to herself how terrified she was. Even then, Mirai didn't want to leave the village, leave Itachi, not be able to see her friends again, and most of all lose the trust and meaning to be able to live and see the daylight. Minato sighed closing his eyes to clear his mind.

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