No. 7: Anger Management

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She felt ashamed as to why Itachi told her that she wasn't ready. 'I liked him a lot.. I mean as a friend... Why do I hate this feeling? Why would he bring me down?' What exactly did he mean by that.. she went to the hospital that day to visit Tenshi who was awake and in bed.

She wanted to clear her mind anyway. She told Itachi that she didn't want to see him around or ever. Their friendship is over? Or was it ever a friendship he considered it as? She thought he was a friend... perhaps he thought she was no more than an acquaintance. Maybe that's why Izumi had more of a bond with him than she ever did. It pained her every time she thought of him. And yet tries to loathe him and his prodigious life.

"Mirai-san, I see you look unhappy." Tenshi ushered her to sit in the chair near the bed. She sighed harshly before looking at Tenshi with a pounding heart that meant her nervousness and anxiety were coursing through her. She wanted to forget everything, she hated to look into his eyes.


"Why do you keep following me?" Mirai hissed, still to no avail he rolled his eyes. His smirk grew upwards only to her attempt to shoo him off.

"We are going the same way? What's wrong with that?" Itachi had her twisted in his tone of sarcasm now. He thought she was interesting and not someone who had tried to pursue him as most of the academy girls had tried. Still, she irked him with annoyance at times, like the way he affects her with his mere presence.

She whipped her head back to see his head slightly tilted looking puzzled as it is. She wanted to latch out unnecessary words but ignored his presence. "I heard you're doing better at the academy compared to what I've witnessed." Itachi tried to start a conversation resulting in a major failure.

"I wouldn't be proud of being the best, you should have known by now that, even the best fall sometimes." Her tone was monotonous and quiet, she wasn't affected by his sarcasm, apathy of killing others, or his intelligence. Many would feel disappointed that they can never be up to par with him. She didn't want to be like the boys and gawk at him, or the girls who are desperate for his attention.

She walked further down the street towards a dango shop. Itachi, on the other hand, thought she was a curious being with more she says. He stood nearly flabbergasted thinking she wasn't bright. However, she doesn't pay attention to anyone and wants no one to keep her company. He wanted to know more about her, and still, he never thought of ways to approach her without Mirai trying to shoo him off for the hundredth time.

"Sweets?" He asked curiously observing the girl buy a few wrapped boxes of them. She slightly glared at him, rolling her white eyes while brushing passed him. And then he found her more intrigued by her sudden interest in sweets such as dango. At least he was right that they were going the right way. The training ground of Naraka wasn't so far.


Mirai felt her heart clenched at such a reminiscence memory she wanted to forget. And then she looked at Tenshi curiously not ready to bring up her problems upon him that much.

"Well, Itachi.. said I am not ready for the Chuunin exams." She looked down at her hands thinking of his words exactly.

"That's his own opinion. Don't focus on what he thinks. If you think you can do it, I would prove him otherwise." Tenshi ruffled her hair causing her to giggle lightly. She was glad he was with her and helping her out. 'Is this what a real friend does? Support one and another?'

"H-Hai! I hope you will be well here. I feel bad that this happened..." Mirai glanced away from his eyes and gazed at his injured ankle.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'll be released tomorrow and rest a little easier." He looked down to his ankle despondently; his voice didn't waver either. Mirai took a short sharp breath of air and stood up calmly letting her arms drop to her sides.

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