46. Daniel's : r u cheating on me ?

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You're on sitting on your bed, searching for an idea cause you need to post a new video on your youtube channel tomorrow. An idea came up to your head, cheating prank on boyfriend will be fun isnt it ? Pranking Daniel will be fun you think.

Daniel is coming home in any minute so you text your bestfriend, Dylan, to help you prank Daniel. The plan is Dylan is going to send you text, snapchats, and anything like that. You change Dylan's name on your contact with 'mi amor' with a black heart on the end. Daniel loves it when you call him that.

You sit down in your dining room right after you set up your camera. You hear Daniel is parking his car in his garage. You're busy texting Dylan while smiling like crazy.

"Hey im home." He said leaning to kiss you, you didnt reject it but you didnt kiss back too. Both of you walk to the kitchen, you guys decided to heat up some left overs. While heating up some food, you keep smiling like crazy, looking down your phone, making Daniel a little bit jealous cause he used to get your attention.

"Babe ?" Daniel call out for you, you replied with a short hum while you still smiling looking down your phone.

"Baby ?" He called out one more time. You replied with a tiny 'yea', still looking down on your phone and the left overs in the microwave.

"Y/n" Daniel start to use the serious tone making you look up to him. You saw his ocean blue eyes filled with jealousy, sadness, and many other emotions. Making you feel bad but you wont end the prank early right ?

"What ?" You replied while taking out the food from the microwave, you walk back to your seat which is next to Daniel with the food. He didnt say anything but just sit there quitely eating and looking at you who's texting.

"Can you make me some coffee ?" Daniel asked, you nod and left your phone on the table after locking it. You walk to the kitchen to the coffee machine.

Little you did know, Daniel is looking at your phone cause its buzzing like crazy. He saw many notifications from 'mi amor 🖤' and he checked his own phone.


I checked my own phone but i got no massages or snapchats from her. I dont even use my phone at the studio. I unlock her phone, reading her text with the contact named 'mi amor 🖤' and i cant believe she called someone else, babe. There's a text she sent, 'Dyl'. A name came up to my head, 'Dylan', her best best bestfriend. I know they are close but i mean they are starting a relationship. Y/n is cheating on me.

I walk to the kitchen, finding her still looking down the coffee machine, smiling. She's thinking about Dylan isnt she ?

She realise that im right behind her so she turned around and sit on the counter. "Sup ?" She asked. I show her text with Dylan and look at her shook face. Her eyes widen and she reach out for her phone.

"Who's this guy ?" I asked while putting her phone as far as i could so she wont reach it.

"It's my brother stop it ! Give it back !" She said. I put her phone on my pocket and i grab her hands, holding them so they'll stop reaching for her phone.

"You dont have any brother named Dylan dont you ? I already know Dylan is your bestfriend but why are you cheating on me with him ? I thought you really promised me to not leave me. To be honest with me. Who am i to you now huh ?!" I started to yell causing her to look down. I let out a sigh and ran my fingers through my hair.

"You promised me." I whisper looking down too. Her hands cup my face and i saw her smiling a little bit. "Daniboo im kidding." She said while fixing my hair. "What do you mean ?" I asked. "It's a prank please, dont be mad, im not dating Dylan, it's only you." She said while hugging my neck. "I need a prove." I said, she took her phone and she facetimed Dylan. He apologized that he took my girl making me calm down a little bit. They are just playing around.

"Happy now ?" She asked, i pull her into a tight hug. "Sorry, i yelled." I said, i feel bad. "It's alright. You love me right ?" She asked making me pull back a little. "Of course, i love you more than words can express." I said and i kissed her forehead before pressing mine to hers.

"I cant wait to marry you one day."

Asik asik jos

Jadi kan tuh

Edisi prank2

And dudes imma go save some ideas for Xmas edition cuz Xmas is almost here.


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