53. Jonah's : what it feels like

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Have you ever feel like you're sad until it hurts inside ? But you still turn the frown upside down ?

Flashback mode on.

"Jonah ?" I looked at y/n who's sitting beside me. We're going on a little roadtrip to take a break from life.

"Yeah ?" I said.

"I wanna tell you something." Oh boy, im scared. Things been going around lately and im not ready for anything she wanna tell. Things changed while i dont get any time to get used to it.



She whispered the word pregnant but i still can hear it. I looked at her but still driving.

"What ?" I asked in shock. Dude what the heck ? Im still so young.

"What ? How ?!" Im losing my mind that im screaming at her.

"Y/n im still young. Im not ready- we're not ready !"

That's the last thing i said to her before everything turns black.

Flashback mode off.

After the accident, we both got into the hospital. Tyler didnt let me see y/n anymore. I felt bad, so bad. That's my kid inside her and i hurt them. Physically and mentally.

It's almost been 2 months. I still hang out with the guys, me and Daniel are okay. He's the one who's there when i cried cause i missed y/n so much. Even though i hurted his twin. Which means hurting him too.

Sometimes, i like to go back home. Just to tell my mama everything im going through or watching movies with Esther which making me miss y/n more. Or just crying my self too sleep.

It's hard. It's hard when your light disappear. It's dark without her. I missed her so much that it hurts inside. I cried my self to sleep every night even though i feel tired. But i just missed her a lot.

Im not doing well, Daniel and Tyler knows that. She's not doing okay too. But Chris still keeping her away from me. I just want to start everything all over again.

I talked to Keri on facetime the other day, she said y/n is not doing well. She's been locking her self in her room. She dont want to talk. She barely eat. It's breaking my heart that Keri knew she's crying all day long.

Keri told me everything. Y/n lost him or her. Chris and Anna have been trying to talk to y/n but all they got is either 'go away' or 'not in the mood to talk'. Keri has talked to Chris to give me a chance. And Chris said yes. They are all afraid cause it's been 2 weeks she's doing these things.

Daniel and i went to his house. Finding his whole family in the living room. I greeted them and Keri walk me to y/n's room. Pale white door with a little drawing of space on it.

I knocked the door softly right after Keri left me there.

"Y/n ? Babe ?" I called her.

"I miss you. Open the door please ?" I asked and i heard her walking to the door. Slowly unlocking the door and opening it.

"Hey," i said after i looked at her, smiling. She has dark circles. Still beautiful for me.

"I've missed you." I open my arms and she crash her face into my chest. The happiest feeling ever.

"I miss you too." She mumbles on my chest which making me giggle.

"Im sorry." I said resting my chin on her head.

"For everything." I kissed her forehead. It's just i love her too much.

"Your whole family is afraid you know ?" I said stroking down her hair.

"Let's meet them." She nod and grab my hand which looks huge betwen her tiny fingers. She hold them pretty tight which making me smile.

"Y/n ? Is that you ?" Daniel stand up and ran to y/n who's hiding behind me. Still being so quite. She popped out her head and look at Daniel.

She slowly walk away from my back and suddenly, Daniel welcomed her with a big hug.

"Jonah," i looked at Keri. While the other sibling is doing a group hug.

"Thank you."

Alo hae

Dah lama ye ga writing2

Tp bsk sekul

Tep mo slip

Ok syap




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