18 - Christmas

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Song for this chap : Happier - Ed Sheeran.

When i said play the song. Play it.

It's been a month after we broke up. Aku kehilangan semangat natal. Juga kehilangan supporter sejatiku. Walaupun sekarang mendekati natal, aku tidak melakukan aktifitas natal sperti yang lainnya, mengingat hampir seluruh keluargaku sudah disana.

Aku mengambil gitarku dan memetiknya pelan. Aku duduk di lantai, di depan kamera karena memutuskan untuk mengcover lagu yang sedang pas dengan hatiku. Happier, by Ed Sheeran. I love all of his songs.

"I could try to smile to hide the truth."

"But i know i was happier with you."

Aku menghentikan nyanyianku walaupun harusnya masih berlanjut. Hanya saja, aku sudah tidak kuat lagi. Aku tersenyum pada kamera dan mematikannya.

Aku tersenyum pedih setelah mem post videoku. Berharap sedikit ia menonton. Walaupun kemungkinan itu kecil.

Jonah's pov
Aku membuka laptopku terburu. Memasangkan earphone tidak sabar untuk melihat video barunya. Jujur saja, 1 bulan ini, aku selalu memperhatikannya. Entah lewat sosial media, ataupun real life.

Cover by y/n, Happier - Ed Sheeran.

Aku menatap title sebentar, lagu favoritnya di saat patah hati. Ini bukan pertama kali aku menyakitinya. Tapi ini pertama kali ia memutuskan untuk berhenti.

Aku memejamkan mata mendengarnya bernyanyi. Suaranya tidak akan pernah berubah di telingaku. Selalu terdengar indah bagiku.

Play the song.

"Walking down 29th and park." She sang beautifully

I saw her yesterday when i sat down with my fake girlfriend at the park.

"I saw you in another's arms."

My fake gf hold my hand on public.

"Only a month we've been apart."

Already a month. I'm trying to not cry but it hurts so much.

"You look happier."

I do look happier. But i'm actually not.

"Saw you walk inside a bar."

I just do that last night. How she knew that.

It's hurt so much when i realize, how many times i break her heart.

"She said something to make you laugh."

Penggantian lirik yang bagus. But she always failed to make me laugh. And nailed when trying to make me fake laugh.

"I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours"

Her voice, aku bisa mendengar sakitnya.

"Yeah you look happier, you do."

Am i ?

"Ain't nobody hurt me like you hurt me."

Sungguh pintar. Dia membuatku bersalah. Dia membuatku menyesal. Semakin menyesal.

"But ain't nobody love you like i do."

You are ?

"Promise that you will not take it personal baby."

Promise ?

"If i am moving on with someone new."

I can't promise.

"Cause baby you look happier, you do"

Do i ?

"My friends told me one day i'll feel it too."

When ?

"And until i smiled to hide the truth."

I miss your real smile.

"But i know i was happier with you."

Did you ?

"Sat in the corner of the room."

Like you always do. I'm sorry for breaking your heary baby.

"Everything's reminding me of you."

Kau belum membuang barang barang dari ku sayang ?

"Nursing an empty bottle and telling my self you're happier, aren't you."

I'm not.

"Ain't nobody hurt me like you hurt me."

I'm really sorry hun.

"But ain't nobody need you like i do"

Do you still need me ? A jerk.

"I know that there's others that deserve you."

No one deserve you baby. I didn't deserve your heart.

"But darling i am still in love with you."

Is that a truth ?

"But i guess you look happier, you do."

I do not baby.

"My friends told me one day i'll feel it too."

One day hunny. You deserve better than me.

"I could try smile to hide the truth."

Don't hide it baby. Don't lie to me.

"But i know i was happier with you."

You do ?

Ia menyelesaikan lagunya dengan indah. Aku bisa melihat air mata berkumpul di pelupuk matanya. Ia tersenyum pada kamera dan layar berubah menjadi hitam dengan sebuah kalimat.

"Sorry didn't make anything better."

Tanpa sadar, air mataku semakin deras. Dimana otak ku sampai aku bisa menyakitinya. Dimana hatiku sampai aku bisa mengancurkan hatinya. Dimana pikiran jernih ku sampai aku bisa membuatnya kembali ke masa kelam.

"Bro, she is g---- why are you crying ?" Daniel masuk ke kamarku melihatku menutup mata sambil menyender pada kepala tempat tidur.

Aku bisa merasakan ia mendekatiku dan melihat apa yang ku tonton.

"She is gone bro."

Duniaku seakan hancur. Aku belum meminta maaf padanya Tuhan.

Sad one :))

I'm not heartless but i like these kind of story. Sad ones.

Hope you all like this one


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