47. Zach's : im sorry, love.

202 14 19

Superstar, Zachary Herron, got caught going out with a blond chick. They got caught holding hands and laughing at each other at a coffee shop in Paris. What a lovely moment in a lovely city !

You decided to turn off the TV, feeling deeply broken inside. Being a backstreet girlfriend with a superstar is not easy, it is never been easy. The different timezone and the distance may tear you both apart but you both survived.

And now, rumours, you've never planned this thing to happend. Never. Even after 2 years of fighting for the relationship to work out, Zach have never got caught being close with some girls, and you know he wont cheat on you.

Not when the boys are keeping him from cheating and flirting. But he got caught with another girl, holding hands, laughing together, and there's the picture too. Social media feels so annoying right now.

All your favorite thing to do with him, he did with other girl. Today is a good day isnt it.

You decided to push all your negative thinking and text Zach. You need to push your ego so this relationship will work out. Even though deeply inside you, you are broken, jealous, mad.

To : Z ❤
*send pict
Explain please ?
22.34 p.m

Right after you texted Zach, Jack, your best best bestfriend sent you a text.

From : Jackypoo
Did u see the news ?

To : Jackypoo
I did. Do u kno where he is ? What is he doing ? And please tell him to text me back.

From : Jackypoo
He was gone for the whole day. We got 4 days off but we cant go home. So we all decided to just stay in the hotel. But Zach is already gone even before Jonah wake up.

To : Jackypoo
Can u look for him please ?

From : Jackypoo
Me and Corbyn have been walking around Paris for the whole day and we found nothing. We're at the coffee shop Zach came.

To : Jackypoo
Do u kno who's that blonde chick ?

From : Jackypoo

To : Jackypoo
He's kinda cold lately. Do u kno why ?

From : Jackypoo
He's always at his phone and i thought he's texting u.

To : Jackypoo
He barely respond and please, im worried abt him. It's almost eleven p.m and he's not there with u guys.

From : Jackypoo
Jonah haven't texted me means he's not there.

To : Jackypoo
I wish he's okay.

You put down your phone and lay down on your bed, looking at the ceiling. Freaking out inside causing you to stay up. Your phone is buzzing like crazy so you sit and look at your notifications.

All of them are from Insta. You decided to open them. You got tagged in a lot of pictures and videos. There's a video of a boy, really look like Zach, in a club, with a girl in his arms. His cheeks looks so red, he's drunk.

"Zach are you taken ?"

A fan asked.

"Oh yeah."

"With who ?"

"Her" he said then kissed her cheek

You can hear your heart is tearing apart but you continued watching the video with tears in your eyes.

"Zach ! Who's y/n ?"

"We supposed to be in a relationship but nah, i got a better one."



Your tears fell down. You texted Jack that Zach is at a bar. You dont know which one. And please to take him back, tell him you and Zach are done, and Zach dont need to talk to you anymore.

You locked your phone right away after. Put it in your pocket, grab your keys and your wallet, walk out from your house and drive to a beach. You feel like the beach will calm you down, like it always do

You drive your car while crying making the vision a lil bit blurry. All you see is light coming from your right and you heard a loud crash. It all went black.


''Dude ?! What the hell are you doing last night ?! Telling your relationship to public and going out with other girl ?! Dont you think that y/n is hella worried about you ?!" Jonah yelled at me and im just there, sitting down, looking down. What's in my mind last night.

"Jonah, she's in the hospital." Jack said making me look at him.

"What ? Why ?" Jonah asked, Jack put his phone on the bed so Jonah can read the text.

"She's in the hospital, she had an accident last night. She's doing pretty bad right now. Hope you can be here cause maybe you guys will help." Jonah read the text out loud. "We're going to Minnesota" Daniel said.

@ Stillwater, Minnesota

Here i am, sitting right next to y/n, holding her cold hand. She's looking so bad. Her mom told me that she heard y/n go out last night, maybe she's going to that beach she really love. And end up here.

I feel so bad. Real bad. Because of me she's laying down here, tubes everywhere, trapped in the dark. I wish i was her. She dont deserve this. What's in my mind that i can hurt this amazing girl alive.

Im sorry, y/n.

Klo krg mantep maapin ye :(

Mendadak gabisa inggris coba :(

Ini buat anndn_

Rikuesan dia si zek tu pny cewe trs ini itu lah inti nya gitu au ah gelap.

Mo sleep.

Nice dream.


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