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Amelia sighs as she continues to tag the wall with her signature. She has already done this wall, but the neighborhood always cleans it up. She keeps her hood up, her bag on her hand, ready to run if need be.

"You know, it is rude to stare." She says to the man behind her as she continues to spray paint into the wall. She puts the can into her bag and turns around. She stiffles a laugh at the sight. A elderly man in what it looks like wizard' robes. She smiles at him in amusement.

"Well, this is a new one for me. From what looney bin did you escaped from? I bet the orderly are looking for you." 

She turns to her left to leave the alleyway. Her smile slowly disappears as a man wearing all black gothic-like clothing stands two yards away from her. She takes a few steps back, her guts telling her to run. And Amelia has survived on trusting her gut. She looks at the tall man and back at the older one. She clenches her bag and goes to run. The man in black holds up a stick and points it at her. She doesn't know why, but her entire being is telling her to dodge; and dodge she did. She jumps out of the way as a light shots out of the stick.

"The fuck was that. I am getting the fuck away from this loony bin. Bye." Amelia says as she stands up and runs away from them. She climbs up the fire escape and starts running. She jumps from rooftop to rooftop, when she thinks she escaped, the man in black stands a few meter away from her.

"Bastards, they are going to make me late for school." She mutters to herself as she jumps off a two-story building into some garbage bags. She groans and continues to run into the street. As she runs a familiar street, she looks behind her and groans when he sees tall-and-dangerous making quick strides towards her. She looks around and grins at her acquaintances.

"Timmy and Greg, that ol'geezer is following, trying to buy a favor. Be a good lad and take care of the bastard." She yells at them as she rounds the corner. The boys crack their knuckles and stand up to deal with the man.

Amelia arrives at her school just in time. She sits with her 'friends' during free period. Amelia doesn't really have friends, more like business partners. She hands the boy his spraycan and the boy gives her thirty bucks.

"Last time I am tagging for you. If you can't do it, tell your boss." Amelia says while running a hand through her light-brown and straight hair. The boy nods.

"He wants to see you." The boy says and she dismisses him. She sits next to the window, watching the flowers fall as summer approaches. The last day of school, she couldn't wait for it to end. Now she will be in her sixth-year and then after that just one more year and she is done.

"Is Miss Amelia Richardson here?" A low baritone voice with a brittish accent draws her attention. His bored tone makes her think that she is in trouble. She turns around with annoyance.

"Yes, what do you-" She stops talking as she recognizes the guy from the alleyway. She stands up arruptibly. Her eyes are wide as she slowly makes her way toward the window.

"Miss Richardson, if you please-" "Nope, not taking the chance." She interrupts him before jumping out the window and holding the water spout. She slides down the water pipe and starts to run away.

As she goes around a street she stops arruptibly as she sees the elder one standing a few feet away from her, making her slide across the street and slam against a cement wall. It doesn't stop her flow as she continues to run away. At a turn on another corner a hand grabs her wrist. She goes and attack the person. She pulls the attacker towards her, knees him in the gut, goes under his arm, stands behind him, kicks him in the knees making him crumble, and brings both of her elbows down on his back.

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now