author's note

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So the book is divided in two parts. The second part has a big time jump and it is during the Order of Phoenix era. There will be flashbacks and stuff like that. You are probably wondering, 'why no kissing scenes in the first part or anything more romantic?' because, I do not believe that Severus would have engaged into a romantic relationship with a student even if he did have feelings for them. IT is how I perceive the character, and I think too highly of him to make such scene. 

So the reason why I ended the first part like this. I wanted Amelia to realize her emotions for Severus. The maturing of her emotions came to and end, wanted you guys to see the transition of her mind. The second part is in the works, there will be intense scenes with Severus.

Now the second part of the book is shorter, and there will be some developement in the characters relationship. 

The second part will be published soon. At the moment the time between updates will remain the same. 

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