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Amelia fumbles around her purse for her key. The trio could have had apparated inside the house, but Albus deemed it impolite. Amelia groans as she takes out her book, towel, sunglasses to look for the key. 

"Fuck it." Amelia says giving up and taking out her wand. "Ouch." Amelia says when Severus swats the back of her head. 

"Language." Amelia resists the urge to roll her eyes at him and points the wand at the lock. 

"Alohomora." Amelia opens the door and she is pulled aside by a strong hand. 

"Young woman, where have you been?" Marcus says angrily. Amelia winces at the contact. Her father immediately lets her go and looks at the two men that stand in the entrance. 

"What happened? Who hurt you?" Marcus says with worry. Amelia looks at Severus for reassurance and gets none. 

"Father, we have to talk." Amelia says seriously. Marcus guides them to the living room. Marcus sits in the lone chair while Albus sits in the couch. Severus and Amelia remain standing. 

"Amelia, put on some warm clothes, go and get your mother from the pub. She is working an extra shift today." Marcus orders her. Amelia nods as she sees that he is back to his usual self. She is accustomed to his cold and military voice, it is rare for him to show his affection to her like he has done the last couple of days. 

Amelia goes to her room to change. She is greeted by an excited Frida causing her to smile tiredly. 

"Oh Frida, so much shit has happened to me in this last few weeks... I am so tired of it." She laughs as Frida licks her face. Amelia grabs a sweater from her closet, some underwear and some shorts. She puts on her underwear and clean shorts. She takes her jacket off and sighs at the bruise forming on her back. 

"Shit, I must of hit the floor of the lake harder than I thought... That potion I drank must be one of the good ones, Frida, because I can barely feel it." Amelia says jokingly. She unties her bikini top as carefully as she can, but it proves to be difficult for her to do without touching her back. 

She opens the door a bit and clears her throat. 

"Father, I need your help." Amelia says loudly. She can hear them stop talking at the sound of her voice. 

"Everything okay, sweetheart?" Her ears reddens at the thought of Severus hearing why she needs help. 

"Ummm...  I need your help untying... something." Amelia says hitting her head against the door.  

"I am in the middle of a conversation... Severus would you mind helping her out?" Amelia eyes widen at the sound of her father's words. 

"No! Whatever you do, do not come here professor for both of our sakes. " Amelia yells out frantically. 

"I am not leaving our guests alone for some stupidity Amelia. Why do you need help?" Amelia hits her head against the door several times in embarrassment. 

"I need... God, this is embarrassing, I have a bruise on my back and I can't untie the knot of my swimsuit because of it." Amelia's ears turn hot as she waits for her father to come. She hears her father excuse himself and his footsteps coming to her room. 

"Why didn't you just said that in the beginning?" Marcus sighs as he opens the door and motions her to turn around. 

"WHAT THE HELL DID THIS TO YOU?" His booming voice makes the walls shake a bit as he sees the bruise forming. Amelia throws a glance his way before staring at her room. As he unties the knot carefully, she can feel his anger resonate in waves. She holds the bikini against her chest.

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