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They arrive at his house, making Amelia drop her things. Severus grabs her shoulders and makes her stare at him. 

"Are you okay, Miss Richardson?" He growls out with frustration, hiding away his concern. Adrenaline was still surging through her veins, she gets out of Severus's hold by slapping his arms upwards withher wrists. She goes to push his chest away from her, but he holds her wrists and makes her turn around. Her arms are crossed over her chest, making it difficult to escape; one would think she was wearing a straight jacket. 

"Calm down, Richardson." Severus growls next to her ear. She tries to slow down her breathing. how she wanted to go back and fight that man, but she knows that she is too inexperienced to duel against him. Sensing that she has calmed down, he slowly lets her go. She steps away from his hold and picks up her stuff. 

"If my parents stayed, who knows what would have had happened...Thank you, professor, for taking me in." Amelia says sincerely. She finally looks at the room that they are now. 

She can tell they are in the treshhold of the house. She looks at the staircase in front of her then at the door next to her. Severus guides her up the stairs as they get to the landing, she notices the door in front of her. Severus quickly guides her away to the small opening to a hallway next to them. He opens one of the door to the room and holds it open, so she can enter. 

"The bathroom is the door at the end of the hallway. Go to the sitting room after you are done unpacking." Severus says with usual soft and bored tone. Amelia goes to open her mouth, but Severus beats her to the punch. 

"It is the only door on the first floor." Severus says before closing the door. 

Amelia looks around the room and notices how small it is. Her room is a bit bigger than this one. The room consists of old brown and worned out furniture. A small bed is pushed against the wall at the corner of the room next to a window at the other end of the room away from the door. A small dark brown wardrobe stands against the wall at the end of the bed, and a dusty, old and tiny dresser sits parallel to the bed while facing it. The space between the dresser and the bed is very narrow, making it a bit difficult for Amelia to move with all the stuff in her hands. She puts Umbra's cage on top of the dresser and her bag on top of the bed.  She sits on the edge of the bed and opens the dresser's drawers and starts unpacking. Frida lays down on the ground in front of the door and wardrobe.

Was this once Severus' room? Amelia thought to herself, seeing that the bed is the size appropiate for a child. She finishes unpacking and goes downstairs to the sitting room.  

She knocks on the door before opening it and entering the small sitting area. She looks at the room with a small smile. The walls are filled with books, a small table stands against under a window in front of her, a fireplace is on the wall at her right with a oval mirror hanging above it;  and two lone chairs stand in front of them with their backs to it diagonally. Severus sits in one of them while reading a newspaper (scene from the movie The Half-blood Prince). Next to the only window of the room there is a opening for the small kitchen. The room is dark and has no personal artifact, making it enigmatic; just like it's owner. 

"Miss Richardson, sit down. We have to talk about the rules." Severus says putting down the newspaper on top of the small stool like table that  has a book on top of it already. Amelia sits down on the empty chair next to him. The glow of the fire makes him look even more mysterious. 

"Rules, sir?" Amelia asks while staring at him as he goes to the kitchen. 

"Yes, rules. I like to think you already know what they mean, Richardson." Severus says from the kitchen, making Amelia small at his words. He comes back with a glass of water, which Amelia thanks him for it. 

"Most important thing, you must tell no one about this. No one can know that you are staying with me, is that clear?" Severus says with a hint of warning. At Amelia's nod he continues explaining. 

"Good. You are to do chores during your stay. Your stay won't be free of charge, you must carry your weight around here. This is a muggle town; you are not permitted to go outside without me. You can use the backyard if you want, but only do magic inside the house. You will study next semester subjects and whatever you want during the remainer of the holidays. Do not open the door to anyone, no matter what. Do you understand or has your brain gone soft?" Severus says while standing in front of her. 

"I understand. Sir, is it possible to send a owl to the Weasleys? I promised Bill Weasley that I would train with him during the holidays." Severus nods and goes back to his seat. 

"When you finish writing the letter, give it to me. I will send it with my owl, I can't have your enemies tracking your owl back here." Severus says while grabbing the newspaper. 

"Sir?" Amelia says as she looks at the room. 

"What is it now, Richardson?" He says annoyed by her presence. 

"Can I read from your collection of books?" 

"Most of the books are about the Dark Arts, it would not be appropiate for a student to read them." Severus points out. 

"Afraid I might join the Dark Side?" Amelia says jockingly while staring at him from her seat. He puts the newspaper down and stares at her in the eyes.

"Yes." Amelia is taken back by his honest answer. She sits back against her chair, but continues to look at him; waiting for an explaination. 

She reminds him of himself when he was younger, and from what he predicts she will have a hard year after the trial. If she is anything like him, then she will surely end up like him. He wishes that she won't follow into his footsteps. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now