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Everyone has heard about the trial, and start whispering as Amelia makes her way to her usual seat in the Great Hall. Frida is with Hagrid, Amelia didn't want her to be the center of attention again. She nods at her friends and sits down. She stares at her plate. 

"How did the trial go?" 

"Is it true that Thomas tried to attacked you?"

"Where have you been? I have been trying to contact you, but the letters bounce back."

"Guys! Stop being so noisy and let the poor girl eat." Diana says angrily. Amelia gives her a small smile in gratitude. She only winks back at her and continues talking with the twins, sensing that Amelia doesn't want to talk about it. 

Amelia can feel his stare, it burns something inside of her. She ignores it and waits for the food to appear. She thinks that even a glance of him will break her heart. She hasn't stopped thinking about him during the week she was on the run. She didn't let him break her down, she wasn't going to get down on her knees and beg for him to take the words he said back. No, she can live without him, for he was never in her life. 

"Let the feast begin." Albus says loudly. Amelia grabs a portion of food and begins to eat. She can feel is black eyes staring at her, making her feel uneasy. Out of nowhere Amelia feels something wet on her head. She sighs and touches her head. 

"Really? An egg? Isn't that original of you?" Amelia says full of sarcasm to herself. The Slytherin House starts laughing. Amelia loses her appetite and stands up. 

"Coward! Who did that?!" Diana says full of anger as she stands up and glares at the Slytherin Table. 

"Calm down, Di. I am alright." Amelia says before leaving the table and walking to her room. 

She knew this was coming for her, but she didn't realized that they would have done it in front of the professors. She isn't angry or sad, she is just frustrated. She doesn't understand why people think that it was her fault.

She closes the door behind her and walks to her bathroom while humming a song. She washes the egg off of her hair. She takes off her uniform and throws herself into bed. 

Severus stands in front of her door. He doesn't know why, but his feet carried him here. The relief he felt as she walked through the grand doors of the Great Hall was inmense. He had to remain his cool when one of his student flung a egg at her. Professor Sprout managed to say something after Amelia left the Great Hall. He can tell something has changed inside of her, as if the fire has died inside of her. He shakes his head and walks away. 

Amelia watches as the shadow from underneath of her door walks away. She then looks at the ceiling, her heart clenching as she hears his footsteps walk away. 

"I can't sleep, Severus. I am going back and it is stupid. I am left alone and time passes by and I can't stop thinking of you. Even if you told me that I am nothing to you, why are you still here?" Amelia says to no one as she closes her eyes  and try to get some sleep. 


Her free period before Potions Class gives Amelia enough time to study for her owls. She sits near the Black Lake with her books. The day has been a bore: people talking behind her back, classes haven't been entertaining, and Frida has been with Hagrid. She looks at the lake with a  sad smile. 

Everytime I go in, something happens.

"Hey snitch." Amelia sighs and starts to gather her things. The girl laughs as she sees Amelia walking up to the school. 

"Now that you have said everything you had to say, you lost all bite." One of the trio said. Amelia ignores them and continues to walk up the hill. Suddenly the strap of her leatherbag breaks, making her drop her bag. Amelia turns around and sees the girl in the middle lower her wand with a smirk. Amelia rolls her eyes and picks up her bag. 

"oof." Amelia says as she is dragged from her feet. Her head hits the floor, before she is levitated into the air, upside down. She struggles to keep her skirt in place. She stares as the girls laugh at the sight. She does nothing, keeping her promise. The other two girls continue to make cuts on her clothes. She just looks at the lake, wondering how can it be so beautiful. She smiles as she sees a tentacle emerge from the water before it splashes down. The girls quickly get bored, when they see that they are not going to get the reaction they wanted from Amelia. They leave her alone and walk into the castle. Amelia gathers up her broken bag and starts walking to her class. 

She is only a minute late for the class, as she can hear Severus talking about the new potion they are working on. She uses a healing spell on the small accidental cuts the girls made on her skin while cutting her clothes. Amelia gathers the courage to face him before walking into the classroom. 

"Miss Richardson, how nice of you to- Care to explain why your uniform looks like it was attacked by an werewolf?" Severus says with a raised eyebrow. He knew the answer of the question, for he had suffered the same fate when he was young. 

"Sorry for being late, professor. The staircases moved... And about my uniform, I am starting a new trend." Amelia says confidently before heading to her usual seat. Severus squints his eyes at her, noticing a small spots of blood in some of the cuts. 

"Three points will be deducted from Hufflepuff for the tardiness of your classmate and the disregard of the uniform." Severus says before looking at the blackboard. The people of her house sigh in defeat. Amelia sits down and ties her hair up, ready to start making the potion. 

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