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The week passed by quickly and Amelia is soon back at her humble home. She continued to study on her free time and has been looking foward to every study session she has with Severus. The during the remaining of the month Amelia has been excelling in her studies, only Transfiguration has brought her a few difficulties. She has started working the weekends at the bar, trying to win some money before leaving for school. Severus has been giving her lessons while she prepares to open the bar and when she cleans up to close it. He always waits for her to close, sitting in a dark corner of the bar. The bar is full tonight, it is payday for many people. It is rowdy and loud, something that Amelia hates.

"Professor, I suggest you come back at closing time. I can see that you are not comfortable being here." Amelia says to him as she quickly cleans up the table next to him.

"Amelia, give me another cold one!" A woman shouts out. Amelia huffs and leaves Severus before he could answer. Amelia goes back behind the counter and takes the customers' drinks. Severus sighs and goes outside.

The night was long and many cabs were called upon for the drunk customers. Amelia cleans the bar counter while putting the bar stools upon it. Amelia smiles as she hears the door of the pub open.

"I will be right with you, Professor, let me just- What are you doing here? The bar is closed." Amelia smiles disappears as she watches who had enter the empty pub. She huffs and continues to clean.

"Amelia... Why won't you be mine?" Jeremy says as he stands next to her. Amelia rolls her eyes at him. She ignores him and goes to a table to pick up some empty glasses.

"You know why." Amelia says as she puts the tray filled with glasses behind the counter. She steps back against the counter as she notices how close Jeremy is.

"Step back Jeremy, I have to clean." Amelia attempts to side step him, but he blocks her way.

"Did you really not like the way I treated you the last time?" Jeremy says as he steps closer. Amelia's mind starts to race at the closeness between them.

"Jeremy, get away from me, before I break your arm." Amelia growls out. He ignores her and takes a step closer.

"I always treat you as a queen. That day I made you my queen." Jeremy whispers to her. He trails a finger from her cheek down her neck. Amelia grabs it and goes to break it, but Jeremy stops her. She goes to punch him, but he grabs her wrist mid-air. He pulls her to him and kisses her. Amelia closes her eyes at the kiss. He pushes her even more against the counter. Amelia opens her eyes and glares at him, before biting his lip. Jeremy steps back as he hisses from pain. He licks his bleeding lower lip.

"You like to play rough, so do I sweetie." He smirks at her before taking a step foward. Amelia punches him in the face before getting away from the counter. Jeremy growls in pain. He grabs her arm and pulls her towards his chest. He locks her in his arms against his chest. Amelia struggles against his strong hold, before digging he heel into his foot. He loosens the hold, making it posssible for Amelia to escape it. She kneeds him in the groin, making him kneel in front of her, she knees him in the face before kicking him in the ribs.

"What in Salazar's name have you done?" Severus says as he looks at the bleeding, unconscious man, before looking at the panthing girl.

"I'll be with you in a minute professor, I gotta call someone's patrol officer." Amelia says as she walks behind the counter and grabs the telephone.

"Hey Grant... Yeah..... This is the last chance I am giving him before I call the police... He doesn't deserve another one, you know I am doing so the gangs don't take over... Keep your boy in a shorter leash, before I put him behind bars." Amelia orders him. She hangs up with a sigh, before looking at Severus with a tired smile.

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now