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A few days have passed since Amelia's last lesson and the day of the trial has arrived. Amelia looks at the witch robe Severus' laid on her bed while she took a shower. She puts on underwear and puts on the dress. It is a snug fit, she doesn't like the dress. The entire torso and chest area is like a corset, making it uncomfortable to move. She feels exposed so she grabs a black cloak from her wardrobe and secures it around her. 

The dress makes the color of her eyes pop out more than usual

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The dress makes the color of her eyes pop out more than usual. She puts one some black fishnet socks on and her boots. She has decided to let her hair down. She grabs her wand and opens the door. 

"Hurry up, Richardson. You don't want to be late to your own trial." Severus says from downstairs. Amelia says and waits for Frida to leave the room before closing the door. She follows the dog down the stairs with a frown. 

"Good to see that the dress was the right fit. Now, we are going to the backyard to apparate to the Ministry. Albus will tell you what to do. He will be your defense." He says as he motions her into the sitting room and through the kitchen. Amelia looks at his with confusion as they step into the cold. 

"Do I need a defense lawyer with me?" Amelia says she secures Frida by her side. Severus waits for her to hook her arm around his. 

"They will twist your words against you. No matter what, do not show any frustration." Severus says before appareting.


They arrive to the Ministry and Amelia is overwhelmed by the rush of people. She tightens her hold on Severus. She is grateful to have Frida by her side. Severus pulls Amelia's hood over her head and starts to walk quickly. Amelia's heart is pounding against her chest as her senses are overwhelmed. She can't see her surroundings because of the hood, but the sounds are ovewhelming. 

"Focus on my voice, Richardson. Breathe in, and out. Ignore them, focus on Frida and me." Severus says a bit frustrated as he tries to make his way across the crowd of people. Amelia takes a deep breath and does what he said. Severus just wants to get her into the lift and away from the crowd. He can see them, when suddenly a voice stops him. 

"Severus, what are you doing here?" Severus halts his movements, making Amelia be pulled back a bit harshly. Severus looks at the man in front of him and keeps a stoic expression. 

"Lucius, didn't expect you to see you here. I am afraid that I can't stay and... chat." Severus says before going to walk away, but he is stopped by the man. 

"Aren't you going to introduce me to the young lady that is clinging to your arm?" At the mention of her, Amelia steps away from Severus' side and takes the hood off. 

"I am afraid, I have no time for pleasantaries, sir. I have a trial to attend and Professor Snape has been kind enough to show me where I must go. Now if you will please excuse us, we are in a bit of a hurry." Amelia says politely and with a strong voice. She tugs Severus away towards the elevator. She can feel the stare of the man on her back. They enter the lift and close the door behind them. 

"You did good. Not giving your name. That man... he is dangerous." Severus says as he holds on the little strap that hangs from the ceiling. Amelia nods and holds on to her own strap. 

"You seem to be first name basis with him. A friend?" Amelia asks trying to know more about him. She can see that Severus' mood darkens by her question. 

"He is someone from my past.... We are here." Severus says as the lift suddenly halts. The doors open and Amelia smiles kindly at Albus.

"Ready, Amelia?" Albus asks as he starts to guide her down the long hall. 

"Yes. I will just say the truth." They stop in front of a door Severus trails behind them. 

"Amelia, they will try to twist your words. Just give the answer of their questions. I will help you all the way... All will be revealed." Albus says before he opens the door. The room is circular shaped. There is a seat in the middle of the room and some stands of benches surround it. In front of the seat their is a podium, Amelia guesses that is where the judge will sit. Albus guides her to some almost empty benches. The room goes quiet as Amelia walks to some seat. She can feel the stares of the entire court. They sit down, Amelia looks behind her sit (the front row) and is surprised to see that they have a audience. 

"Why are there people here? I thought all hearings are supposed to be private." Amelia whispers to Albus. 

"The Slaters family is well-known in the wizarding world, my dear. It is a scandal for them, and you know how people like to gossip." Albus says trying to lighten up the mood.  Amelia can feel the glares that some of them throw her way. 

"I still think that my memory is good enough to open and close the case, professor." Amelia says a bit frustrated about it. 

"Memory is a great piece of evidence, but it not a reliable one in the wizarding world. Powerful wizards and witches can create fake memories."  Albus explains to Amelia, but this only infuriates her. 

"I don't appreciate being called a liar, sir. I am a woman of my word." Amelia hisses out. She pets Frida to calm herself down. 

"Remain your composure no matter what you hear... if you want this to go by quickly." Amelia looks at her left and nods at Severus. 

"I understand sir, slander has never fazed me before." Amelia says before continuing to look foward. 

"Now, lets see if you actually read the book. Tell me how this trial works." Albus asks Amelia. She wonders why he isn't sitting there, with the rest of the court. 

"Well, they are short. It consists of 50 members and there is a Chief Warlock... They function like a normal trial... Sir why aren't you sitting there, aren't you the Chief Warlock?" Amelia says with confusion. 

"The Minister of Magic wanted to preside over this case." Albus says before sitting up straight as the court quiets down. 

"The trial of Thomas Slater v.s Amelia Richardson will begin. Thomas Slater is accused of using a unforgivable spell against a witch, Amelia Richardson. First we will hear from the alleged victim, then from the accused. Amelia Richardson, please take the stand." Amelia sighs and stands up.

"Here we go." 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now