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Amelia has decided to go to the beach during the weekend. The day is warmer than usual, considering that it is winter. Amelia takes advantage of the almost empty beach, since nobody in their right mind would go to the beach during winter; only surfers go to take advantages of the high waves.. People driving by look down at the beach in disbelief as they watch Amelia sunbathing in a bikini. Even surfers look at her, not accustomed to see someone during the winter. 

Amelia ignores the stares and searches through her purse and takes out a blood lollipop, a sweet that she has developed a particular liking to it. Amelia stares at the empty spot next to her before staring at the slightly unruly sea. 

She starts to wonder about her future. Her life has always been planned, but everything changed when she discovered she was a witch. No longer can she predict the outcome of her decisions. It worries her and excites her as well. She is sadden by the thought of one day leaving Hogwarts. Her tired spirit still yern to rest, but Amelia can only live on. And her thoughts drift to Severus, they seem to do that quite often in the last few days. She lays down at the thought of him. 

"May I ask how stupid you must be to come to the beach during winter?" A figure says as it blocks her view of the sea and the surfers. Amelia puts her sunglasses on and puts the book inside her purse. Amelia takes the lollipop out of her mouth

"If I had known that you would have had missed me so much, I would have written." Amelia says teasingly. She puts the lollipop back in her mouth and stares at him from behind her glasses. She smirks at the sight. It must be a strange sight, a girl in a white bikini and a man wearing full black clothing.

"I don't appreciate your cheek, Miss Richardson." Amelia crosses her legs and smiles at him as he stares at her with a bored expression. She leans against her elbows and stares at him. 

"What is the purpose of your visit, sir?" Amelia asks. Severus goes to answer but it is interrupted by a surfer. 

"Is this guy bothering you, miss?" The young man says as he stands next to Amelia. Amelia stares up at the handsome man with a smile. 

"No. That is very kind of you, worrying of my well-being." Amelia says while taking the lollipop out of her mouth. 

"Just doing what anyone would, especially for a beautiful girl like you." The man says before sending a wink towards her. Amelia places the lollipop back into her mouth. Amelia isn't dumb, she knows that the man lusts over her just by seeing his eyes. 

"Thank you, but he is a acquaintance of mine. I have to talk to him in private if you don't mind?" Amelia says politely as she stares at the man. He smiles and nods before leaving towards his friends. 

"Disgusting. He could barely keep his hands to himself" Severus says as he glares at the back of the young man. Amelia rolls her eyes and watches the man as he is welcomed by his friends.

"Now what wer-"

 Amelia stops talking as Severus suddenly moves quickly and smoothly on top of her. She watches as he takes the lollipop from her mouth and puts it aside. His face is so close that Amelia can smell him. Amelia unbends a knee as she feels his hand going up. He is supporting his weight by his knees and a arm. Amelia closes her eyes as his hand reaches her neck and rests on her jaw. She could barely control herself as he starts caressing her lips with his thumb.

"I don't like how you smiled at him." Severus says while staring at her lips. Amelia opens her eyes, and starts to lean in when he removes his thumb.

"Only you would have had the bright idea to come here during winter." A voice interrupts Amelia from her daydream. Her cheeks are flushed at the memory. She looks at Severus with a smile.

"Didn't take you for a beach person, sir. Here for a swim?" Amelia says jokingly. Severus rolls his eyes at her words .

"I am here  for your lessons." Amelia takes off her sunglasses at his words. Severus looks down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What? You thought just because it was the holidays that you had time for a break?" Amelia stays quiet at his words. She sits up with a sigh and gathers her stuff.

"Your bruise is almost gone." Severus points out. Amelia hums at his words and stands up. She puts on her light jacket on and her purse. She grabs her book and the towel before turning around to look at Severus.

"What are you reading?" Severus says with a hint of irritation as he gets sand on his robes. Amelia stares down at the book and back at him.

"Nothing, just a diary I found in a old bookstore." Amelia lies smoothly, Severus nods and starts to walk up the small hill towards the road. Amelia follows him as she puts the book in her bag. They start to walk towards a alley to apparate at the bridge of Hogwarts when they are approached by a surfer.

"Hey there hot stuff, why don't you come with me to the beach so we can get to know one another better." The young man says as he stops in front of Amelia. Before Amelia can utter a word, Severus grips the young man's arm and stares down at him.

"I suggest you walk away." Severus says calmly, but the pained expression on the surfer's face suggest that Severus is anything but calm. The man nods and rapidly walks away from them when Severus pushes him aside. Amelia ears reddens at his act and her heart grows.

"You know I could have handled that, right?" Amelia says as they enter the alleyway. Severus hums and looks at the entrance of the alleyway for the perfect timing.

"I know what you are perfectly capable of, Miss Richardson. I didn't want a muggle to die today." Severus says before he apparated. Amelia follows him with a smile on her face.


Amelia walks behind Severus as the walk across the almost empty school. The weather is harsher at the school that it was at the beach. She feels warmth in her chest at the memory of Severus defending her. Only the sound of Amelia's plastic flip flops are heard in the beautiful halls. 

"I regret my outfit." Amelia says as she zips up her jacket and rummages through her purse for her shorts.  Severus looks at her with a raised eyebrow. 

"Really? I thought you liked getting pneumonia Miss Richardson." He says with a bit of sass. Amelia sticks out her tongue when he looks back foward. 

"Put away your tongue, Miss Richardson. You may lose it... that would be... unfortunate." Severus says with the hint of a warning hidden in the pauses. Amelia quickly hides her tongue and hops while putting her shorts. 

"We are going to the Black Lake." Severus points out. Amelia stops walking and starts laughing. 

"Why are you laughing, Miss Richardson?" Severus says annoyed by the delay. Amelia stops laughing and looks at him with wide eyes. 

"Are you being serious? I am not getting in the Black Lake during winter. I almost froze to death last time I got in and it was during the warmer days of winter. It is already halfway through December, I am not in the mood to turn into a popsicle." Amelia says in a demanding tone. 

"Oh really? Must I remind you that I am doing this for you as a favor. What happened to following orders?" Severus says while walking towards her. 

"What happened with my well-being being a priority?" Amelia says defiantly, making Severus look down at her with a hint of annoyance. 

"Do you really think I would let anything bad happen to a student of mine? Even though I would like nothing more than to get rid of most of the dunderheads in here, I take my job very seriously." Amelia can tell that he is not saying the entire truth. Amelia doesn't want to back down, but his stare is making it difficult and his voice is making her falter. 

"Then  fight me. If I am able to keep up with you for 5 minutes then we will do another training, if I lose then I will enter the black lake." Amelia says with a challenging tone. Severus looks down at her with a smug expression. 


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