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Six hours passed by before Amelia finally finishes. She has fallen asleep in her seat as she holds Severus' hand and her head lays on top of her crossed arms. Severus groans as he wakes up with soreness. He feels something holding his hand. He looks in confusion at the sleeping Amelia and goes to pull his hand away. 

"Don't you dare wake up the poor girl. She spent the last 18 hours helping you." Molly says as she brings a glass of water. HE slowly sits up, making Amelia stir. She sighs as she rubs her eyes carefully, due to the black eye. 

"Don't worry. I was just resting my eyes." Amelia says with a grateful smile seeing Molly give Severus a glass. Severus watches her as he downs the beverage. The last time he saw her was when she confessed to him. He takes note of her scarred face, her bruised face and her dull eyes. 

"How do you feel, sir?" Amelia looks at his face and down to his slightly scarred torso. Severus runs a hand through his unruly hair. 

"Sore and cold." His tone of voice makes Amelia smile. She stands up and goes to the small sitting room near the dinningroom, before returning with a bundle of clothes. 

"Mrs. Weasley repaired them for you. Don't forget to thank her." Amelia says as she watches him get dressed. Severus stands up, his eyes never leaving hers as he puts on his shirts. 

"Richardson, I see that you are not as incompetence as I thought you were. None of them knew I was poisoned." SEverus says as he buttons up his frockcoat. 

"I learned from the best." Amelia says sincerely. He frowns as Sirius enters the room. 

"I see you are awake, Snivellus. Such a pity. Now, doglady, get out of my house." Sirius says angrily. Amelia looks at him with a blank stare. 

"A mutt calling another mutt a dog... How ironic." Severus says with a sarcastic tone. 

"This lady has already threatened me twice and held my godson at gunpoint." Sirius points out angrily. 

"Knowing Potter, he probably deserved it." Severus points out making Amelia snort at his remark.

"I told him to shut up. It is his own fault that he has a death wish." Amelia says with a sadistic grin that only Sirius can see; he takes out his wand. 

"If you ever do that again, the Dark Lord will be nothing compared of what I would do to you." Sirius says darkly while pointing his wand at Amelia. 

"Put the wand down, Black, before you poke your eye out." SEverus says annoyed. Amelia holds her hand up, signalling SEverus that she got this. 

"You think that I am afraid of the Dark Lord? I bet I have killed more muggles that he has." Amelia says while walking towards him. They are the same height. She stands in front of him, inches away from touching his nose. His wand was now poking her neck. 

"I could kill you right now, before you can utter a single syllable. Should we put it to the test?" Siruis goes to speak, but Amelia takes her hunting knife from her back and holds it against his neck in lighting speed. Sirius gulps as he feels the cold metal against his neck. 

"Richardson, that is enough." A hand pulls Sirius back, Amelia sheathes her knife behind her back and looks up at her mentor. 

"Shacklebolt! I guess the old man informed you of the situation." Amelia says while walking passed Severus. She goes to grab her jacket when suddenly her wrist is grabbed and she is spun around. 

"Why do you have so many scars?" Severus says while grabbing tightly her right side torso. She inhales deeply at his touch. She clenches her jaw as his grip brings a bit of discomfort. Her hand automatically lays on top of his grip. 

"A fellow soldier triggered a mine, the building exploded and debris got lodged into me during my only tour. I couldn't use magic to heal it... muggles." Amelia quickly says breathlessly as his fingers start to unconsciously caress the red scars that are now her side torso. He slowly lets go of her and takes a step back. Amelia puts on her army jacket and walks pass Severus to where Shacklebolt was waiting for them. 

"Let me heal your face." Shacklebolt says as he takes out his wand. Amelia shakes her head, dismissing his help. 

"I am known to muggles and dwell a lot in their world. If I heal too quickly it will arouse questions." Amelia explains quickly. 

"Okay... Severus, Albus wants your report." Shacklebolt says before leaving into the sitting room where a group of people were waiting for them. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now