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Amelia has been distant since her father's visit. Her friends think it is her usual self, but Dianna has taken noticed of it. Her chatter with Severus has diminished to only pleasantries. The week has passed by very quickly because of it, and her training session with Severus is looming over her. She is filled with dread as she eats her supper. 

"You okay? You have been stabbing your pork chop for the last 5 minutes. I think it is already dead." Rosie says bringing Amelia to reality. She sighs and lets her utensils hit the table. 

"Probably dreading having to go to Snape's office for detention." Dianna points out, sending a wink towards Amelia. Rosie hums in agreement.

"My poor baby, he is sucking the life out of you. I prefer to have a dementor give me the Kiss than spend time with the dungeon bat." Rosie says in a exaggerated manner. She throws herself at Amelia and tries to give her a sloppy kiss. Amelia laughs out and tries to push her away without hurting Rosie. Suddenly Dianna pales and sit still. 

"The sentiment is the same, Miss Marshall." Rosie squeaks and sits straight. She turns around with a smile and laugh sheepishly. She puts a hand on her forehead and beings to stutter.

"Professor, fancy meeting you here. I didn't mean you sir, I meant the other dungeon bat- I-I mean, not that you are a dungeon bat, because I can see that you are not a bat. You don't have wings or-" "Go to your table Miss Marshall, before you hurt yourself." Severus says in a bored tone. Rosie scrambles to her table, tripping in the process of it. Making Dianna snort at it. 

"Find something funny, Miss Foster?" Severus says with a raised eyebrow. Dianna looks at him with a grin and props up her knee. She puts her arm on it and stares up at Severus in defiance. 

"I find many things funny, sir." Amelia stares at Dianna with a disappointed look. Dianna glances at her before sighing and sitting appropriately. 

"But at the moment, no." Dianna says in a defeated tone, the last thing she wants is to make Amelia be disappointed in her. 

"Thought so. Miss Richardson, I am here to inform you that today's... detention will be held outside. Meet me at the Southern Gate after you finish your supper." With that said, he turns around and leaves Amelia with questions. 

"That smug bastard." Dianna says before drowning her beverage. Amelia looks at her with a smirk.
"Language, Miss Foster." She says mocking McGonagall. Dianna snorts at her. 

"My apologies, Miss Richardson." Amelia laughs at her uncunning imitation of Severus.

They soon finish supper. Dianna follows Amelia to the Southern gate, agreeing to take care of Frida for the night. They stop near the gate as they see Severus standing near a pillar. 

"You be good to Dianna." Amelia says as she pets Frida. She stands up and hugs Dianna. 

"See you tomorrow, good night." Amelia says as she lets go and start to head towards Severus.

"See ya, love. Dream of me!" Dianna yells at her before laughing and walk away. Amelia smiles at her ridiculousness. 

"Who would like to dream of her? Does she want people to have nightmares?" Severus says in irritation. Amelia shakes her head as they start to head toward the Black Lake. 

"Oi, a lot of boys would love to dream of her. I bet most boys here do." Amelia says nonchalantly. Severus makes a disgusted sound. The rest of the walk is silent. 

The night is cold, for winter has just started. Amelia's and Severus breaths can be seen, making them look like dragons. They reach the shore and Amelia looks around with her wand out, for she has cast a lumos charm. 

"What are we doing here, sir?" Amelia looks at Severus as he pulls out some items from behind a tree. A towel, a shirt and some sweatpants. 

"Per Dumbledore's instructions: you are to take off your robe, shoes and socks, go inside the lake." Severus says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

 Amelia looks at the dark water and back at Severus. She takes off her school robe, the cold hits her hard, but her training has made her deal with harsh weathers. She takes off her shoes and socks and puts the aside, she wiggles her toes as they touch the cold pebbles. She takes off her school cardigan and tie, leaving only her dress shirt and skirt. She looks up at Severus and her eyes widen at the fact that he is not wearing his teaching robes and is barefoot.

"Once you are in the water, cast a bubble-charm, and do not cast a lumos charm. No matter what you hear or what touches you, remember your training. Keep calm." Severus advises her before she makes her way into the water. She inhales sharply as the freezing water hits her. When the water reaches her waist, she dives into it.
She swims for a few minutes before stopping. With the bubble-charm in place, she stays still, floating underwater.
Seconds pass by and nothing happens. It is pitch-black, Amelia can't even see her hand in front of her face. She turns her head as she feels something moving at her right, then at her left.

"Little princess." A voice whispers near her ear. Amelia grips her wand tightly, trying to keep herself calm. Remembering Severus words. 

He deserves nothing from me, not one thing. He is nothing. Amelia says in her mind, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being able to cause her such reaction.

"Little lamb, why did you spoiled our time together? I only wanted to cure you. I can still cure you." The voice whispers even closer. Suddenly she feels something crawling up her leg, a hand. Amelia stiffens at the touch. 

Repeating the words that Severus said to her as she feels a panic attack emerging. She feels something bubbled up inside her chest as she starts to hyperventilate as the hand goes higher.

Keep calm. Severus voice suddenly fills her head. She inhales deeply and exhales slowly. She relaxes as she keeps her emotions in check. The bubbled up feeling fades away, as she remains in peace with herself as the voices taunt her with his words and touches.

She remains underwater for about a hour. Her body is numb by the cold, but she keeps completely still until the voices leave her and the touches stop. She keeps still for another 30 minutes, just to make sure. She then swims up to the surface, laughing in relief as she summerges. She swims to the shore and walks quickly while shivering towards Severus. He wraps her up in a towel while casting a drying spell on her. After drying her, she is still shaking. 

"I-I-I did did it, sssir." Her teeth shattering as she speaks. Seversu frowns at this and hands her the long sleeve shirt and sweatpants. She quickly puts them on after going behind a tree. Before she emerges, she smells the shirt.

It is his. She smiles at herself before putting on a neutral expression. She walks where her shoes are and puts on her warm socks.

"Not bad, Miss Richardson. I was thinking that I would have had to go in to safe you after you didn't appear after a hour." Severus says as he puts on his teaching robes and shoes.

 Amelia smiles at the thought of Severus rescuing her. She puts on her robe and picks up her other clothing. She smiles at Severus, but he frowns at her. He takes a step foward and holds his hand with his wand next to both of their faces.

"Lumos... your lips are blue." His says as he grips Amelia's chin, squeeshing her cheek a bit. 

She stands completely stills looking at his face as his eyes look at her lips. He let's go of her face and turns around walking up at the slight hill towards the castle. Amelia quickly follows him. The walk is silent as they go up to the castle and to her room. He motions Amelia to get into bed and he starts a fire in the fireplace. 

"Thanks, professor... for everything." Amelia says as she watches him leave. He stands in front of the exit.

"I am only doing this because the Headmaster told me to. Don't get any daft ideas, little girl." Amelia smiles at his back and closes her eyes.

"I know, but you could have had asked Dumbledore to ask McGonagall to help me... good night." She says as she falls asleep. Severus shakes his head at her words and leaves.

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now