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"Any plans for the holidays?" Amelia asks as she mops the floor. Severus continues to look at his steady supply of potions in his office, making sure that all are accounted for.

"I don't celebrate such pesky festivities." Severus says as he takes out a vial from its place. Amelia hums in acknowledgement.

"Me neither, but I guess with father staying home I feel a bit more excited for it... I just hope to find presents for my friends. It is the first time I am getting presents for my friends." Amelia says with innocence oozing out of her, she has her worries deep inside of her. Severus' heart softens at her words, but he quickly hardens it.

"Aren't you a bit chatty today, Miss Richardson?" Severus drawls out. Amelia ears redden in embarrassment. Her hair is pulled up into a tight ponytail, making them visible to Severus as he throws a glance at her.

"Sorry, sir. I guess I am a bit more chatty than usual." Severus continues to pick vials and put them back in there place after checking to see if they are full. She continues to work, her mind elsewhere. This unusual behavior irks Severus. 

"What is it? I can see something is troubling your mind and it is getting in the way of your work."

"Sir?" Amelia says while stopping her work. Severus hums for her to continue to talk. The subject that has been clouding her mind since it happened, and her trust in Severus makes it easier for her to talk about it.

"My father talked about my uncle. He said that he might get leave." The sudden breaking of a vial when it hit the floor, makes Amelia take a step back.

 Her eyes widen at this, Severus is not a clumsy man, epecially with his potions.

She can tell that something is wrong as the atmosphere shifts into a tense one. Severus turns around slowly and looks at the girl standing several feet away from her. He takes long and angry filled strides towards her. The intense darkness of his eyes make her freeze in her spot and grip the mop tighter. He grabs her robe and stare into her eyes.

"Is he staying with you during the holidays?" His eyes start searching in hers. Amelia starts to stutter as the intensity coming from Severus makes her mind go blank.

"The holidays?" She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Accidentally taking in his scent, she exhales softly.

"My father doubts it. My uncle is in a disciplinary hearing, those can take from weeks to months." Amelia says honestly, making Severus soften his grip on her.

"Is that why you were gripping Miss Foster like she was a lifeboat down by the Black Lake? BEcause of the news" Amelia looks at him in confusion as he walks away from her.

"You saw that?... No, sir, it was for other reasons." Amelia says as she composes herself.

"Miss Richardson... we have to talk with Dumbledore." Severus says in his usual soft tone, completely void of emotion. Amelia continues to mop the floor as she let's the word sink in.

"Do you want to know what lovely Drake did?" Amelia asks as she goes to move the bucket to another spot.

"DO NOT say his name like that." Severus suddenly says loudly, making Amelia drop her bucket at the sudden explosiveness. Severus sighs and turns around with his wand in his hand. With a flick the mess is cleaned up.

"He is not human, he doesn't deserve your acknoledgement... Is it really revelant?" Severus explains as he cleans up the broken vial with magic.

"Well I think it is, sir. He beat up some men that made some crude comments about me after seeing a picture my mother had sent my father. From the reports, it appears he went bat-shit crazy on them. My father told me he even took out his gun before he was stopped. My father says I am lucky to have him as a uncle." Amelia says as she finishes up cleaning up. She takes her wand and makes the dirty water in the bucket vanish. Severus looks at her with a frown. 

"And why is that?" Severus says as he turns to look at her. Amelia grabs her robe and searches her pockets. She starts to walk towards Severus.

"Because he protects, because he loves me. Because he is willing to kill for me." Amelia says disgusted and with a ironic smile in her face as she explains this to Severus. He can see the how it is affecting her the news. She starts to pace around as her frustrations and anxieties buid up.

"What am I going to do? If he finds out that the reason why my father is turning in his papers is me, I don't know what he will do. If he finds out that I am pursuing a future in magic, he will take me away. I-I can't go back to him. I need help." Severus interrupts her ranting by taking a step foward and talking. 

"He won't do that. You won't go back to him, I will not let it; Dumbledore will not permit it." Severus says truthfully. Amelia stops pacing and walks up to him with hast. 

 Severus has been watching her closely, making notes of what is happening. He notices that the build up of magic that was concentrated inside of her was going to release at this moment and prepares himself.  

"You don't know what that man is capable of. What do I do Professor? TELL ME WHAT TO DO." Amelia says as she reaches her breaking point. 

 As she takes the last step towards him she slips on the wet floor. Severus quickly grabs her arm and pulls her towards him. Her turmoil calms down in a instant. Her ears redden in embarrassment.

"One would think that with your training you would be more careful, Miss Richardson." Amelia laughs sheepishly at his words and rubs her neck. She pretends that the last few minutes have not just happened.

"I guess, I let my guard down when I am around you, sir." Amelia says making Severus drop her arm as if it burned him.

"Pick up your things before your ears bleed out... I'll discuss this with the Headmaster" Severus says with a hint of irritation. Amelia picks up her things. She puts on her robe and heads towards the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow, sir." She says quickly as she exits the office. She puts a hand on her chest to calm down her erratic heartbeat as she walks to her room. 

She doesn't understand why is her body reacting like this when she is around Severus. Her ears are still hot from the recent events. She closes the door behind her back and slumps down against it. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now