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"Ivan, is this really going to work?" Amelia says as she prepares herself for the plan. Ivan sighs at her doubt. Her loosely ties her hand with rope. 

"Yes, we have been practicing for the last month. Hiding from place to place. I have taught you the inside of the mansion and who to watch out for. I have shown you how to survive on the run... Trust me." Ivan says as he drops her hands and pockets her wand in his back pocket. 

Trust no one...

"Let's do this." Amelia says before Ivan punches her in the face. He drags her to the gates of the mansion. They are let in. THey walk to the door, go to the room on their right; it looks like a sitting room. 

Amelia watches as Ivan is pushed aside and two men grab Amelia's arms. A woman is sitting elegantly next to a man on a loveseat. 

"Amelia Richardson... how I longed for this day." The woman says. 

"Miss Slater, what a lovely home you have." 

Amelia coughs as the man on her right punches her in the gut. Her head whips to the right when the man on her left punches her in the face. 

"No need for pleasantaries... this will end quickly." The man says before he dismisses them. 

"No. You have to see this from my point of view before you order them to kill me." Amelia says as she plants her feet on the ground. 

"Your... point of view?" The man asks in disbelief. 

"Your son left me for dead. He planned my demise, it wasn't an accident like the first time. The first time I was willing to let it go, but the school has strict rules. Your son dragged me down deeper into the water, cast a full binding curse on me, popped my bubble charm, and proceeded to cast an unforgivable curse on me... then he only swam away. He doesn't regret his actions, that is why I went to the trial." Amelia says confidently and making emphasis on his actions. 

"He is just a boy! He doesn't deserve to go to Azkaban." The mother says hot-blooded by Amelia's words. She nods at the men that have Amelia, making them punch her and slap her few times. 

"Well your boy almost became a murderer if it wasn't for my quick thinking and Professor Snape... Anyone else would have died." Amelia points out. This makes the mother sunk down to her seat and quiet down. 

"And Mister Slater, I never wanted for your son to go to Azkaban. But you know that actions have consequences, and the law says this is it. He had a second chance and he blew it. It is not my fault, I didn't cast the curse, I didn't leave someone for dead; he did. It is his own goddamn fault." Amelia says strongly. The room is quiet as the words sink in. Thomas' father is gripping the arm chair, but relaxes when his wife puts an hand on his shoulder. She is sobbing. 

"You know that she is right. Our baby did something bad and deserves to be punished, all we can do is correct that wrong when he comes out." Tears start to flow from her husband. 

"You can go. We will stop the hunt for your and your parents' life.I suggest you wait a week before coming out of hiding; give us time to get the word around" The man says before hugging his wife. The men let go of Amelia. She waits no time to leave the mansion. Ivan follows her out into the busy street. He hands her the wand as they make their way to the inn they are staying at. Amelia cheers and walks backwards while staring at him. 

"Ivan you are a bloody genius. Thank you, for helping me. God, i thought I was going to fight." Amelia says with excitement. Ivan rolls his eyes at her and laughs. He grabs her arm and pulls her close. Their forehead touch, making Amelia smile with a teasing look. She turns around and walks away. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now