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After training, the pair returns to the castle. They prepare themselves some breakfast before going to the Great Hall to practice. Amelia had the opportunity to wash up and change her clothing. Amelia struggles with all the books in her arms, Severus does not help her.

"I can see that you have the basics of Transfiguration down... But it could use some work. We are going to end third year's curriculum this week and start fourth year's. I hope to finish fourth year's by the end of this month and have fifth year finish before the classes start... But if your body can't take the heavy load, we can have tutoring lessons through out the semester." Severus says as they walk up to the Great Hall. Amelia puts down her books on the floor and looks at Severus' back.

"I can do it, sir. I have survived boot camp at the age of 12, I survived extensive training by a U.S officer, and survived physical and emotional abuse by a lunatic... My body can take it, sir." Amelia says with determination. Severus turns around to look at her and with a frown nods at her. He does not like that she thinks just because she can she has to.

"We are going to do Dark Arts, then Transfiguration. After lunch we will go to the greenhouse to demostrate the different plants that you should know their properties already. Then we will have a short Potion's lesson and then dinner... No homework today, Albus told me to take it easy with you today... Lights out at 10:30." Severus informs Amelia of their schedule today. Amelia feels a bit of relieve of the light workload she has today, but worries that it will hold her back. She wiggles her nose as she thinks of this.

"Sir, wouldn't giving me little amount of work hold me back?" Amelia says as she follows him into the middle of the room.

"Miss Richardson, I have never heard of a student whining about less work... Only a fool wouldn't notice how exhausted you are... Do you take me for a fool, Miss Richardson?" Severus says with a hint of sarcasm. Amelia's eyes widen and she rapidly shakes her head.

"No, sir, I do not." Amelia looks as Severus pulls out from his robes a small wooden cube. He then walks over to her and grabs her shoulder before pulling her sharply towards the object.

"Even though I would like nothing more than to finish our little sessions in the soonest time possible, your well-being is the utmost important... I can't have you dying of exhaustion by my hands, now can't we Miss Richardson?" Severus while crossing his arms over his chest. Amelia clears her throat as she feels a bit disappointed that he does not like spending time with her. Without saying a word she takes out her wand and points it at the cube.

"Well, we should hurry with the lessons, sir. I don't want to waste your precious time." Amelia says coldly. Severus wonders why the sudden change in mood and looks at her. Amelia noticed it a bit too late as she drifts into her memories.

The first memory that pops into her mind is the first day of training with her father. Even though it was painful and she was cover in blood and sweat, she was smiling because she was spending time with her father.

She immediately pulls up some random memory, to get her bearings straight. The first time she saw Star Wars. The excitement and the innocence of her youth gives her nostalgia as the memory plays. She can't empty her mind, not with him already inside probing about. She then fills her head with a catchy tune. "It's Tricky" by Run-Dmc. She hates that song because once she starts singing it she can't take it off her mind. She remembers first watching that video on MTV and pulls up that memory with great difficulty.

Severus tries to escape that scene, but no matter where he goes the song pops up. Knowing that if he goes in too deep she will pass out from fighting him. He pulls away and stares at her with no emotions. For the first time ever, Amelia looks at him with distaste.

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now