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Amelia is in detention with Severus. She changed from her uniform to her training gear. She is still injured from her sparring with her father. She sports a black eye, a cut on her right arm, some bruised ribs, and a sprain on her ankle. She has mended her wounds, but they are still there. It has been an emotional day for Amelia; good and bad. The news that her father will return home for good has made her feel joy, but the news of her uncle has made her worry about her future. 

"Go to the infirmary, MAdam Pomfrey will quickly heal you." Severus says in annoyance of her state. Amelia shakes her head as she continues to scrub the floor of his office.

"No, sir. It is the rules of the spar. It is tradition that we, the Richardsons, have to let the wounds made by the sparring heal with time. It shows us that we are still human, the hurt we caused the other person, keeps us in check and humble." Amelia says proudly of her heritage. Severus scoffs at her words and continues to read the newspaper.

"That is barbaric... The way you and your father just attacked eachother with no regards of anything." Severus says smugly. Amelia looks at the floor as she scrubs with a confused stare.

"Sir, that is not true. Every step was calculated by both parties. We weren't aiming to kill, we were just 'wrestling'. If we have been aiming to kill, I would have been dead... My father is a killing machine." Amelia says as her memories drift to a time she was visiting his post. Civilians shouldn't be able to do that, but where her father was posted was such a small compound and everyone was very relax with the civilians rule when it came to family; they shouldn't though.

She can hear the rustling of the newspaper as Severus puts down the newspaper. He stares down at her from his seat. He can see how she becomes cold when she talks about her father.

"Why does your life revolve around him?" Severus asks suddenly. He is in shock of his question. He didn't mean to say it out loud. Amelia's movement stops for a second before she continues to scrub.

"All I ever wanted was for my father to notice me during the small moments I had time with him. My father was away all the time, and I just wanted him to be proud of me. I saw his eyes shinning with pride when I started training with him. I just want his approval... You don't have to tell me that he is proud of me, I know he is... But I am not proud of me, I want to be able to accept why he is proud of me and see what he means. I want to be good enough for him and me." Amelia says with sincerity dripping from her tone. Severus looks at Amelia with understanding eyes. He remembers when he was young, how he wanted his father's approval.

"Are you almost there? Are you getting close of being proud of yourself?" Severus says curious. Amelia stops her work and turns her head to look at Severus. He is taken back by her glimmering eyes and sincere smile.

"Ever since I found out I was a witch and training with you... I am getting there. This is the closest to happiness I have felt since I was a toddler." Amelia says before going back to work. Severus clears his throat, trying to shake off the feeling in his chest.

"I am not... disappointed to hear that, Miss Richardson." Severus says. This makes Amelia smile and continue her work with a spring in her mood.


Amelia and Dianna are walking to the Great Hall, talking about Thanksgiving. Amelia was shocked to hear that Dianna doesn't celebrate that. Amelia explains to her what is it about and what her family does.

"Wait, you are telling me you have a holiday where you only eat until your pants pop open? How fantastic." Dianna says with a smile. Amelia shakes her head at her explanation.

"No, it is a day when the entire family gets together and say what we are grateful for... eating is just part of it."Amelia says. She bumps into someone, making her stumble into Dianna.

"Pardon me, I didn't see you there." Amelia excuses herself, before turning back to Dianna.

"You should watch where you are going mudblood." The girl says back smugly. Amelia is shocked to see Dianna's eyes darken at this. Amelia turns around with a confused expression.

"What is mudblood?" Amelia says while crossing her arms over her chest. The Slytherin girl looks at her with irritation.

"It is what you are, coming from muggles parents and being a witch. You have dirty blood in your veins." Amelia smirks at this. She licks her hand and smears it all over the girl's face.

"Got mud on your face." Amelia sings out. Dianna takes a step foward and slings her arm on Amelia's shoulder.

"You big disgrace!" Dianna sings out with a mischievious smile.

"Someone better put you back into your place!" They both sing out at the disgusted and confused Slytherin girl. They start stomping in beat.

"We will, we will rock you!" The girl quickly walks away from them, but they keep on singing out loud in the halls. They start skipping scaring Peeves with their singing. They reach their destination at the south of the school; the Black Lake. They both slump down in exhaustion against the tree. Dianna lays her head on Amelia's lap.

"That was... rascist of her... I haven't experienced rascism before. Are there many people like her in this school?" Amelia brushes her hand through Dianna's hair.

"Sadly, there are more people like her. Most of them are in Slytherin. They come from 'pureblood' families, which is bullshit really, no family is 100% pureblood." Dianna says getting a bit riled up.

"I don't care. People like that just have insecurities that are showed off with hatred." Amelia says as she watches the Lake.

"You are beautiful." Dianna says suddenly. Amelia looks down at her in confusion. She laughs at her words

"Thank you, Di. You are beautiful too." Amelia says with a smile. She looks back to the lake.

"You are my best friend, Di... I have never had one of those before. I am grateful to have you in my life." Amelia says while continuing to run her hand through Dianna's hair. A frown appears on Amelia's face as the thought of leaving her to join the army.

"Don't forget me, Di. Please, never forget me." Amelia says softly, taking Dianna off guard. Dianna sits up and turns to her side to look at Amelia.

"Sweetie, I could never forget you. I love you. Besides Ross and Rosie, I thought that everyone here was just people without colors in their lives. You came here like a enigma, I haven't figure you out yet. But everytime I thought I figured you out, you fuck up my image... in a great way. You brought colore into this school... And yes you too Frida." Dianna says while she pulls Amelia into a hug. Amelia hugs her back tightly not wanting to let go of her. Dianna pulls back and kisses Amelia on the forehead.

Unknown to them a figure was watching them from up the hill. The dark presence turns around and heads towards the castle, its cloak bellowing behind it. 

(Originally I was thinking of putting other stuff, but I thought of how Amelia really is, so I am going to stop here.)

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